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This Is Gary, The Meowntaineering Rescue Cat And His Adventures Are Adorable


Instagram is full of awe-inspiring photos of travelers and influencers showing off stunning views from their journeys. However, as influencers copy other influencers, the photos can get repetitive and uninspiring. That, or maybe you're just tired of seeing those picture-perfect models posing in every shot. If that's the case, then this Instagram account is just for you!


Meet Gary, a 5-year-old rescue kitty that has one of the best social media accounts out there. He's not just any floof-ball posing for cutesy photos, this cat is a true adventurer who loves hiking, paddling and meowntaineering. And after taking a peek at his gallery, you might feel a tingling sense of envy, as this feline has better vacations than most of us.


Bored Panda has reached out to Gary's owner for an interview and he shared some exciting details about the kitty. "Gary really likes our adventures, and I work really hard to make sure he's always happy and comfortable," said James, Gary's owner and social media manager. He revealed that Gary's introduced to new activities slowly, so the cat has time to adjust to them on his own terms. "I've created a bit of a monster though because if I don't take him out enough, he sits at the door and meows," James explained.

Bored Panda联系了加里的主人接受采访,他分享了一些关于这只小猫的令人兴奋的细节。加里的主人兼社交媒体经理詹姆斯说:“加里非常喜欢我们的冒险,我非常努力地工作,以确保他总是快乐和舒适。”他透露,加里对新活动的适应速度很慢,所以猫有时间按照自己的方式来适应。詹姆斯解释说:“我创造了一个怪物,因为如果我带它出去的次数不够多,它就会坐在门口喵喵叫。”
















More info: Instagram | Gary The Cat
