英语听力汇总   |   丘吉尔出生地的纯金马桶被盗





Solid gold toilet stolen from Winston Churchill's birthplace


Thieves have stolen a unique solid gold toilet worth up to $1.96 million NZD from the birthplace of British wartime leader Winston Churchill.


The toilet, the work of Italian conceptual artist Maurizio Cattelan, had been installed only two days earlier at Blenheim Palace, west of London, after previously being shown at the Guggenheim Museum in New York.

这座马桶是意大利概念艺术家莫里齐奥·卡特兰(Maurizio Cattelan)的作品,此前在纽约古根海姆博物馆(Guggenheim Museum)展出,两天前才在伦敦西部的布伦海姆宫(Blenheim Palace)安装。

Police said the toilet was taken yesterday by thieves who used at least two vehicles. Because the golden toilet had been connected to the palace's plumbing system, police said its removal caused "significant damage and flooding" to the building, a UNESCO World Heritage site filled with valuable art and furniture.



A 66-year-old man was arrested. The man has not been identified or charged.


Thames Valley Police Detective Inspector Jess Milne said: "The artwork has not been recovered at this time but we are conducting a thorough investigation to find it and bring those responsible to justice."

泰晤士河流域警方探长米尔恩(Jess Milne)说:“目前艺术品尚未找到,但我们正在进行彻底调查,一定要找到艺术品,并将相关责任人绳之以法。”

Blenheim Palace said in a statement that officials are "saddened" by the theft but "relieved no one was hurt."


Prior to the theft, visitors to the Cattelan exhibition could book a three-minute appointment to use the toilet.


The magnificent stately home is extremely popular with visitors and is occasionally used for special events including high end fashion shows and art exhibits. It is located in Oxfordshire, about 105 kilometres west of London.
