英语听力汇总   |   情感支持动物能不能坐飞机





People Are Saying That These People Have Gone Too Far With Their Emotional Support Animals, Others Disagree


Emotional support animals are companions that a medical professional has prescribed as helpful to someone with a disability. These animals are usually regular pets like dogs, cats and occasionally rabbits or guinea pigs. Many airlines recognize that flying causes great anxiety to many people, and so allow emotional support animals to fly aboard planes with their humans.


Like all nice, good and helpful things however, there are always people that will go too far and ruin it for everyone else. This list, compiled by Bored Panda, is a series of times when people brought unusual, unnecessary and just frankly ridiculous animals along for their 'emotional support,' and while some here have a genuine need, many are just abusing a concept that has a real purpose for many people.

然而,就像所有精致、美好和有益的事情一样,总会有人做得太过火,把它毁了。Bored Panda编撰的这份榜单,记录了人们带着不寻常的、不必要的、甚至是可笑的动物来寻求“情感支持”的一系列经历。尽管这里的一些动物确实需要帮助,但很多人只是在滥用一个对很多人来说真正有意义的概念。

Scroll down to see what we mean for yourself, and let us know what you think in the comments.


#1 Duck On Flight


Daniel the Duck is a certified emotional support animal, who helps his owner Carla Fitzgerald battle the post traumatic stress disorder. “Everyone just took notice of him and fell in love,” Fitzgerald told ABC News. “I mean, he’s an adorable, funny and sweet little guy. He was very well behaved at the airport and during the flight.”


Mark Essig

#2 Pony On An Flight


Flirty The Mini Service Horse (a.k.a. Flirty) is a miniature horse who is a service animal. She is a very small miniature horse, standing only 27 inches tall and weighing just over 130 lbs, who loves attention and helping her disabled owner/handler, Abrea Hensley. Abrea is allergic to dogs and has post-traumatic stress disorder, so she takes Flirty everywhere she goes. The little mare reminds Hensley to take her medication and provides support when she becomes overwhelmed.

她是一匹非常小的迷你马,只有27英寸高,体重刚刚超过130磅,她喜欢被关注,并帮助她的残疾主人/训练员Abrea Hensley。Abrea对狗过敏,有创伤后应激障碍,所以她到哪里都带着小马。小马提醒汉斯莱吃药,并在她不知所措时提供支持。

Flirty The Mini Service Horse

#3 'Emotional Support' Pig Kicked Off Flight For Being Disruptive


Woman has been kicked off her plane for bringing a 70-pound pig on board for 'emotional support'. She made it to the plane and was sitting with the pig on her lap, however, before long, the pig was reported as being 'out of control' and disruptive. So the passenger was asked to get off.



#4 Emotional Support Peacock, Trying To Board A Flight From Newark To L.a


This woman brought along her emotional support peacock for her flight to L.A. from Newark Airport. It didn’t go well. Despite being warned three times that Dexter the peacock would not be allowed to travel with her, conceptual artist Ventiko showed up at the airport anyway. Dexter was promptly turned away by United Airlines.



#5 Pig On Flight

