From a napping seal and a bandit raccoon to a curious whale and a misplaced cocoon, nature provides some gorgeous photo opportunities.
'Sleeping like a Weddell' (Photo: Ralf Schneider/Wildlife Photographer of the Year)
Here are more of the competition's stunning entries.
'Lucky Break,' Urban Wildlife
'Lucky Break' (Photo: Jason Bantle/Wildlife Photographer of the Year)
An ever-adaptable raccoon pokes her bandit-masked face out of a 1970s Ford Pinto on a deserted farm in Saskatchewan, Canada.
在加拿大萨斯喀彻温省一个废弃的农场上,一只适应能力强的浣熊从一辆上世纪70年代的福特平托(Ford Pinto)车里探出头来,露出她那带着强盗面具的脸。
'The Freshwater Forest,' Plants and Fungi
'The Freshwater Forest' (Photo: Michel Roggo/Wildlife Photographer of the Year)
Slender stems of Eurasian watermilfoil, bearing whorls of soft, feathery leaves, reach for the sky from the bed of Lake Neuchâtel, Switzerland. Michel Roggo has photographed freshwater regions worldwide, but this was the first time he had dived in the lake nearest to his home. He was swimming near the surface — absorbed with the beauty of the plants and their small reddish flowers— when he spotted a huge pike disappearing into the mass of vegetation below. Very slowly, he sank down for a closer look. When he reached the bottom, he found himself immersed in an "underwater jungle with an endless view."
'If Penguins Could Fly,'
'If Penguins Could Fly' (Photo: Eduardo Del Álamo/Wildlife Photographer of the Year)
A gentoo penguin — the fastest underwater swimmer of all penguins — flees for its life as a leopard seal bursts out of the water. Eduardo Del Álamo was expecting it. He had spotted the penguin, resting on a fragment of broken ice. But he had also seen the leopard seal patrolling off the Antarctic Peninsula coast, close to the gentoo’s colony on Cuverville Island. As Eduardo’s inflatable headed towards the penguin, the seal passed directly beneath the boat. Moments later, it surged out of the water, mouth open. The penguin made it off the ice, but the seal now seemed to turn the hunt into a game.
'Canopy Hangout,' Young Wildlife Photographers
"Canopy Hangout' (Photo: Carlos Pérez Naval/Wildlife Photographer of the Year)
When Carlos Pérez Naval's family planned a trip to Panama’s Soberanía National Park, sloths were high on their must-see agenda. They were not disappointed. For several days, from the observation deck of the park’s canopy tower, Carlos could photograph not only birds but also this brown-throated three-toed sloth — the orange fur and the dark stripe on its back marking it as an adult male. It hung out in a cecropia tree, resting but occasionally moving, slowly, along a branch to reach new leaves.
当卡洛斯·佩雷斯·纳瓦尔(Carlos Perez Naval)的家人计划去巴拿马的索贝拉尼亚国家公园(Soberania National Park)游玩时,树懒是他们必看的景点之一。他们没有失望。几天来,卡洛斯不仅可以在公园顶楼的观览台上拍摄鸟类,还可以拍摄这只褐色喉咙的三趾树懒——橙色的皮毛和背上的黑色条纹,标志着它是一只成年雄性树懒。它挂在一棵盲肠树上,休息着,但偶尔会沿着树枝缓慢地移动,以获得新的叶子。
'Big Cat and Dog Spat,'
'Big Cat and Dog Spat' (Photo: Peter Haygarth/Wildlife Photographer of the Year)
'Touching Trust,' Wildlife Photojournalism
'Touching Trust' (Photo: Thomas P Peschak/Wildlife Photographer of the Year)
'The Hair-Net Cocoon,' Behavior: Invertebrates
'The Hair-Net Cocoon' (Photo: 'The Hair-Net Cocoon'/Wildlife Photographer of the Year)
'Beach Waste,' Wildlife Photojournalism
'Beach Waste' (Photo: Matthew Ware/Wildlife Photographer of the Year)
'Jelly Baby,' Underwater
'Jelly Baby' (Photo: Fabien Michenet/Wildlife Photographer of the Year)
'Cool Drink,'
'Cool Drink' (Photo: Diana Rebman/Wildlife Photographer of the Year)
'The Climbing Dead,' Plants and Fungi
'The Climbing Dead' (Photo: Frank Deschandol/Wildlife Photographer of the Year)