The works of South Korean hyperrealist painter Joongwon Jeong, a freelance illustrator who studied Design and Visual Communication at Hongik University of Art & Design in Seoul, can easily impress anyone. We have already shown some of the artist’s work two years ago and today we return with more. This time, Joongwon Jeong breathes new life into antique paintings and famous busts by giving them an acrylic paint makeover.
韩国超现实主义画家郑中元(Joongwon Jeong)的作品很容易打动任何人。郑中元是一名自由插画家,曾在首尔弘毅艺术设计大学(Hongik University of Art & Design)学习设计和视觉传达。我们两年前已经展示了这位艺术家的一些作品,今天我们带着更多的作品回来。这一次,中元正通过对古典绘画和著名半身像进行丙烯酸漆翻新,为它们注入了新的生命。
Being his favorite type of paint, acrylic on canvas according to Jeong is very versatile as it allows to emulate both the viscous texture of the oil and soft splash of watercolors.With solo and group exhibitions in Seoul, Jeong is also quite popular on the internet, especially on his Facebook page where you can see much more of his amazing work.
On his website, Jeong quotes a phrase from Aristotle:“Aristotle once said: ‘A corpse is repulsive, but the painting of a corpse can be beautiful.’ And I say, ‘Purulent acne is repulsive, but the painting of a pimple can be beautiful.’” He believes it is this magic of paradoxical transformation that keeps him practicing in hyperrealistic portraits.
Venus de Milo
Venus de Milo is one of the oldest known statues that is currently on display at the Louvre Museum. It is believed that she is the representation of the Goddess Aphrodite. Although some claim that it is, in fact, the sea-goddess Amphitrite, venerated on Milos.
Homer or the “teacher of Greece” was the one to create one of the most important foundations of the West’s intellectual development. He became the “father of western literature” – resource to the great tragedians, the model for Vergil when he was commissioned by Augustus to create The Aeneid, the inspiration for the earliest science fiction, old Irish folklore, Dante, Shakespeare, James Joyce.
Giuliano de’ Medici
Giuliano de’ Medici was a co-ruler of Florence together with his brother Lorenzo the Magnificent. He complemented his brother’s image as the “patron of the arts” with his own image as the Handsome, sporting the name of “golden boy.”
Costanza Bonarelli
ostanza Bonarelli’s bust is a work of the Italian sculptor Gian Lorenzo Bernini, made between 1636 and 1638. The portrait was made of marble (72 cm high) and is preserved in the Bargello Museum in Florence.
The Death of Seneca
The Roman philosopher Seneca was accused of taking part in a conspiracy against Nero and was ordered to commit suicide. Seneca accepted the sentence and his wife chose to die with him.
Michelangelo’s Adam
A fresco painting by Italian artist, Michelangelo, painted in 1508-1512, The Creation of Adam forms part of the Sistine Chapel’s ceiling. Chronologically the fourth in the series of panels, it depicts a creation story from Genesis where God gives life to Adam.
Michelangelo’s God
Michelangelo’s Creation of Adam is the most famous part of the Sistine Chapel.
Vincent van Gogh
Sigmund Freud
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Image credits: Joongwon Jeong