英语听力汇总   |   涂鸦艺术家用喷漆使墙壁看起来透明





This Graffiti Artist Makes Walls Appear Transparent Using Nothing But Spray Paint


Street artists have a knack for disrupting the environment and catching passersby attention. Many artists have a way to make their art interact with the surroundings and send a message that no one can ignore - as their canvas has no limits.Each great graffiti artist has their own style and something that makes them stand out from the rest. What makes this 34-year-old Portuguese artist, Vile, different? It's his raw talent for carving his name into walls using just a spray paint can.


Vile, whose real name is Rodrigo Miguel Sepúlveda Nunes lives in Vila Franca de Xira, Portugal. He started spraypainting graffitis when he was just 14 years old. By studying Cartoon & Animation Films and Drawing and Illustration and polishing his skills in such techniques as watercolor, oil, charcoal, digital drawing and tattooing, Vile gradually became a skilled graffiti and mural painting artist. His undeniable talent has been recognized internationally with brands like OPEL, TMN, Worten, and the Portuguese Red Cross featuring his art.

瓦伊尔,真名罗德里戈米格尔塞普尔维达努内斯,住在葡萄牙维拉弗兰卡德希拉。他14岁时就开始涂鸦。通过学习动漫电影和绘画插画,并在水彩、油画、炭笔、数码绘画、纹身等技法上磨砺自己的技艺,逐渐成为一名熟练的涂鸦和壁画艺术家。他无可否认的才华已经得到了国际上的认可,品牌如欧宝,TMN, Worten,葡萄牙红十字会以他的艺术特色。

Vile's intricate street art that allows us to see through walls hardly allows anyone to walk past it without looking twice. Often portrayed on abandoned buildings, his detailed art pieces expose the mysterious interior that is hidden from our eyes.












More info: vilegraffiti.com | Instagram | Facebook | twitter.com
