英语听力汇总   |   表情包主人——一只猫走红





Turns Out, The Pawsome Cat From ‘Woman Yelling At A Cat’ Meme Is Named Smudge And His Instagram Is Adorable


Cats and memes, what can be better than this blessed combination? Especially on such a platform as the internet, where it’s been long-known that felines rule the worldwide web. Unfortunately, often times when it comes to memes, we only ever know one picture, with no context, no sources, and no story behind it. Perhaps that’s why we make up our own scenarios for such images. As not every feline meme-star can be as famous as the beloved late Tardar Sauce, who was best known to the world as the Grumpy Cat, we have to dig around the internet to find more.

猫和表情包,还有什么能比这幸福的组合更好呢?特别是在互联网这样的平台上,众所周知,猫科动物统治着全球网络。不幸的是,很多时候当涉及到表情包时,我们只知道一张图片,没有背景,没有来源,也没有背后的故事。也许这就是为什么我们会为这样的图像设定自己的场景。并不是每一位喵星人都能像深受喜爱的已故“塔达酱”(Tardar Sauce)一样出名,它以“不爽猫”(Grumpy Cat)闻名于世。

And we excitedly present Smudge, a ‘chunky yet funky’ meme-lord who hates vegetables. You might’ve seen this kitty before in the infamous “Woman Yelling at a Cat” meme format, where a seemingly-stunned Smudge looks over the table with a salad in front of him.


Smudge is a cat that became famous thanks to this meme


The meme started making rounds back in May when a Twitter user MISSINGEGIRL put out a tweet combining Smudge’s image with that of Taylor Armstrong from “The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills”. The caption of the tweet read “These photos together is making me lose it” and accumulated an impressive amount of 78,900 retweets and 276,800 likes in two months.


Bored Panda has reached out to Smudge’s owner, a 24-year-old sculptor Miranda for more details about the kitty and she shared plenty of pawsome facts about the meme-lord! Like the fact that he’s around 6 years old. “I didn’t get him as a kitten so I don’t know his exact age,” the owner revealed.

Bored Panda网站日前联系了斯玛奇的主人、24岁的雕塑家米兰达,想了解更多关于这只猫咪的细节。米兰达分享了很多关于这位表情包主人的信息。比如它大概6岁。“我没有从它还是小猫时就开始养,所以我不知道它的确切年龄,”主人说。

“Smudge is a super shy, but very loving kitty once he gets to know you!” Miranda explained. She also added that the cat has a knack for following her around the house every time she’s at home. “I can’t go anywhere without him being right there,” she said.


Seeing how pictures of Smudge are spreading all over the internet, the kitty’s owners decided to create an Instagram page dedicated to him in late May. This is where all the lovely photos of Smudge come from and the gallery shows the feline’s true colors.


Smudge’s Instagram account has 617k followers (as of September 6) which is an impressive deed considering he’s only been on the social media site for a couple of months. Now that you’ve become familiar with the meme-lord himself, perhaps you will also join his ranks?


More info: Instagram

图片来源: Instagram