英语听力汇总   |   我把20多岁的时光变成涂鸦





I Turn My 20s Decade Into Doodles


I remember the moment so distinctly: I was sitting at work, getting ready to listen to an all-company presentation. I was giddy. And no, definitely not over the hour-long meeting of finance updates and trend graphs I was about to endure. I was giddy because I finally realized what I wanted to do with the year 2017. 2017 was the year I was going to start a doodle Instagram account, and use it as my daily diary. I had been struggling with getting into the swing of "adulthood" after graduating from college a few years prior, and had been searching for something more ever since. I was longing for a creative outlet, one that could help me express my struggles, my wins, my... well, everything. An Instagram account seemed like the perfect way to hold me accountable to drawing every day, and it held a special place in my heart because it's where I found the artist who inspired me to embrace simple doodling: Mari Andrew.

我清楚地记得那一刻:我坐在办公室里,准备听一场全公司的演讲。我头晕。不,绝对不是在我即将忍受的长达一小时的金融更新和趋势图会议上。我很兴奋,因为我终于意识到我想在2017年做什么。2017年,我打算开设一个涂鸦Instagram账号,并把它作为我的日常日记。几年前大学毕业后,我一直在努力进入“成年期”,从那以后,我一直在寻找更多的东西。我渴望有一个创造性的出口,一个可以帮助我表达我的挣扎,我的胜利,我的……好吧,一切。Instagram账号似乎是让我每天都对绘画负责的完美方式,它在我心中占据着特殊的位置,因为正是在那里,我找到了启发我拥抱简单涂鸦的艺术家:玛丽·安德鲁(Mari Andrew)。

So, I rummaged around my apartment for some old colored pencils and markers and purchased a small $10 sketchbook. I excitingly drew 10 little (and very bad, now that I look back at them...) doodles I had thought up out of the excitement of starting a new project. I snapped some very bad pictures of them in some very bad light, and voila: uploaded them to my new Instagram account Decade2Doodles.


I posted a doodle a day every day for over a year and found so much joy in doing so. Decade2Doodles helped me grow and express myself in a way I had never expected. And, best of all, it introduced me to a whole lot of wonderful people out there, all feeling and sharing and hoping and living just like me.


Decade2Doodles taught me that you don't have to be perfect to start something or be understood. It's also taught me that change can be exciting, no matter which stage it's at - whether it's the decision to start a project or the decision to switch it up! I recently went digital with my drawings, which has been a fun change of pace and makes me feel like I'm still learning and growing as an artist.


I feel incredibly lucky to be able to share my thoughts with so many people. All of this is to say: for anyone looking to take a creative leap of faith - do it. It will always be worth it for the most important person out there: you. And maybe some others along the way, too!


#1 Clothing Mishaps


#2 What You Know


#3 Wanna Bet?!?

想打赌吗? ! ?

#4 Heart Evolution


#5 Aaand I Have None Of These Things


#6 Like Chutes And Ladders


#7 Friendly Reminder That Loneliness Or Struggle Doesn’t Always “Look Like” What You’d Think


#8 Sometimes You Use Your Cape For Superhero Things, And Sometimes You Just Want To Use Your Cape As A Blanket. And That’s Okay


#9 Not All Growth Looks The Same


#10 Missing You


More info: Instagram | decade2doodles.com
