英语听力汇总   |   艺术家打碎玻璃,创造出惊人的肖像





Artist Creates Amazing Portrait By Smashing Glass In Certain Places


As an artist, the more technical skills you have, the better you can present your ideas. And Simon Berger has such good hands, he’s creating even when he’s destroying. Give him a hammer and a chisel and Simon will carve you a glass portrait just like that.


Someone really was pissed with that shop


“Glass is a material that has so much potential in art,” Berger told Bored Panda. “[Using my workmanship experience,] I have found a technique which is probably the most unique in the [entire] world.”

伯杰在接受Bored Panda网站采访时表示:“玻璃是一种极具艺术潜力的材料。”“(以我的工艺经验)我发现了一种技术,它可能是(整个)世界上最独特的。”

They really messed up its window!


The trained carpenter started his artistic journey using wood but soon began experimenting with other materials as well. At one point, Simon even created a portrait from an upcycled calculation machine.


Wait, is it a shop?


The artist starts a piece with a photo of a model. He then sketches its outlines on a panel of glass. From there, Simon marks the spots he doesn’t want to break and the ones he wants to edit a little. The best glass for these projects is something that doesn’t break immediately after being hit. Like a car’s windshield.


Ah, ok. It’s a gallery!


“Human faces have always fascinated me,” the artist said. “On safety glass, these motifs come into their own and magically attract visitors. It is a discovery from abstract fogging to figurative perception.”


And that’s not vandalism


Recently, Simon’s meticulous work has had a very successful exhibition in Philipp Brogli’s gallery Artstübli in Basel, Switzerland.


It’s a portrait by Simon Berger


More info: drsimon.ch | artstuebli.ch

Image credits: Simon Berger