英语听力汇总   |   关于女孩青春期的书





Books about puberty in girls


When author Naama Bloom watched her hilarious "Camp Gyno" video, about a tween who is the first girl at her summer camp to get a period, go viral in 2013, she knew she was on to something.

2013年,作家娜玛·布鲁姆(Naama Bloom)观看了她的搞笑视频《吉诺夏令营》(Camp Gyno),视频讲述的是一个孩子是夏令营里第一个来月经的女孩,这段视频在网上疯传,她知道自己说到点子上了。

She received thousands of emails from girls and older women, and she heard from moms who said that the video led to hourlong conversations with their daughters. Some girls were even watching the video, which has now been viewed more than 12 million times on YouTube, at slumber parties.



The sequel "Full Moon Party," about a girl who fakes getting her period and then faces the consequences when her mom throws a "first moon party" in her honor, has been viewed more than 42 million times.


The videos were sparking a "mini-revolution" among young girls, said Bloom, founder of HelloFlo, which started as a subscription service offering monthly packages of tampons and pads and has evolved into a media company providing content on health and feminism. "I just kept thinking to myself, 'how is it that a two-minute video is doing this?' "


It was certainly an unusual way to approach conversations about puberty, but the reaction proved to Bloom that the time was right to change the way we talk to girls about it.


And so she decided to write a book, "The Guide, Period." out this week in the United States, aimed at girls who are close to or are going through puberty or have gone through it. It's a book, she says, that is designed to empower women during a time when too often young women feel uncomfortable, ashamed and embarrassed, and it's a book I most definitely will be giving to my daughters.


"My dream is that girls feel very confident in their bodies and feel like they love who they are and how they look and what their body does," said Bloom, who has an 8-year-old daughter and 6-year-old son. "I just want to have these open conversations so that they know that there's nothing shameful about their body."



One way she tries to do that is provide something you don't typically see in puberty books: cultural and historical context on such topics as breast size, body type and pubic hair.


'It's a very big moment in time'


There are certainly other puberty books available for girls. American Girl's "The Care & Keeping of You 1" (for younger girls) and "The Care & Keeping of You 2" (for older girls) are very popular. But what Bloom wanted to do was delve into what's behind the emotional changes that are going on during puberty, which aren't often discussed.

当然,还有其他适合女孩阅读的青春期书籍。美国女孩的"The Care & Keeping of You 1"(针对年轻女孩)和"The Care & Keeping of You 2"(针对年长女孩)很受欢迎。但是布鲁姆想要做的是深入探究在青春期发生的情感变化背后的原因,而这些变化很少被讨论。