Two-year-old Zéa Lane began her battle to survive stage 4 cancer at just 3 months old.
两岁的泽亚·莱恩(Zéa Lane)在3个月大的时候就开始了4期癌症的生存之战。
It has robbed her of meeting milestones and being able to make friends or keep up with other toddlers her age. It has paralyzed her from the chest down, with doctors saying she would never walk.
As she gets older, Zéa is realizing that she's different. While wearing ballet slippers, the little girl who loves to bop around to music looked at her mother and said, "My feet are broken, Mama."
But Zéa -- with the help of her family, doctors and a variety of physical therapists -- has overcome tremendous obstacles just to live.
'Covered with cancer'
Zéa was a happy, healthy baby for the first few months of her life in Miami. Then, she started running a fever that spiked to 106 degrees by the time she arrived at the hospital. It was the only sign that something was wrong.
The hospital staff ran every test imaginable. An MRI revealed the truth that her parents had not dared to imagine.
"She was covered with cancer," said her mother, Heather Lane. "She had a primary area on her spine, and from there, she had disease that had spread to her liver, lungs, kidneys, bone marrow, even in her skull. We nearly lost her at that point."
“她全身都是癌症,”她的母亲希瑟·莱恩(Heather Lane)说。“她的脊柱上有一个原发区域,从那里开始,她的疾病已经扩散到她的肝脏、肺、肾脏、骨髓,甚至在她的头骨。当时我们几乎失去了她。”
They had never heard of neuroblastoma, a rare cancer that largely affects very young children. There are about 700 cases a year in the United States, accounting for 6% of cancer in children, according to the American Cancer Society.
While Zéa was still sedated, her parents had to make a choice within 15 minutes: major surgery to remove the tumor or begin chemotherapy immediately.
Hope and help
After Zéa completed her eight cycles of chemotherapy, her doctors in Miami wanted her to undergo four more.
When Zéa had surgery to remove her primary tumor, they were forced to leave behind a tiny sliver that remained between her spine and lungs. Bundled among her nerves, the piece could cause damage. Removing it could cause Zéa to lose all movement of her right arm.
Her parents decided to seek a second opinion. They took her to Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York.
Learning to walk
Zéa connected with her therapists, Paige Bourne and Rachel Mertins, right away, Lane said. Bourne is her physical therapist, and Mertins oversees her aquatic therapy.
莱恩说,泽亚立即与她的治疗师佩吉·伯恩(Paige Bourne)和雷切尔·默丁斯(Rachel Mertins)建立了联系。伯恩是她的物理治疗师,默丁斯监督她的水上治疗。
"I just fell in love with her attitude and her energy she has," Mertins said. "She loves to play, and she works really hard."