As holidaymakers get fatter the donkeys are suffering increasingly with spinal problems, saddle sores and exhaustion.
(Picture: Caters)
They’re made to do four or five return journeys every day even when the temperature gets above 30°C.The town’s Mayor Nikos Zorzos said that a campaign is about to start to discourage the practice.They’re working with the cruise-line industry to raise awareness of the issues the donkeys face.The tourists are carried to a ‘donkey station’ near the top of the steps then return to the bottom for their next load.Mr Zorzos said: Our mules and donkeys are part of our tradition. Younger owners, especially, have understood that they need to be looked after.’
即使气温超过30摄氏度,驴队也要每天往返四到五此。圣托里尼市长Nikos Zorzos表示已经下令限制这种行为。该市正在与轮渡行业进行合作宣传,提高游客的意识,使他们认识到驴子们面临的问题。游客们将会被载到台阶顶部的一个叫“donkey station(驴子中心?)”的地方,然后驴子们会返回台阶底部开始下一趟运送。市长表示,驴和骡子是他们传统文化中的一部分,特别是这些年轻的所有者更明白这些动物需要被照料。
For those who don’t want to make the journey up the steps there is an option of a five-cabin cable car. But with thousands of holidaymakers visiting every day from cruise ships demand for the donkeys increased. Previously there would be up to 18,000 people leaving cruise ships every day to visit the town, but that has been limited to 8,000 because of overcrowding. The Donkey Sanctuary’s spokesman Catherine Rice said: ‘Our In Their Hooves campaign aims to encourage tourists to stop and think before using donkey taxis to climb the steep steps at Fira port.
对于那些不想以这种方式爬山的游客,他们可以选择乘坐带有五节车厢的缆车。但由于每天都有成千上万的度假者前来旅游,他们对驴的需求量也在不断增加。在此之前,每天约有1.8万人下船上岸前往该镇,但是这一数字现在被限制在8000人 ,因为太拥挤了。所谓的“驴蹄运动“就是旨在鼓励游客在骑驴上山之前停下来好好想一想。
Last year Greece’s Ministry of Rural Development and Food issued new regulations that stated donkeys should not carry loads of more than 100kg or one fifth of their weight.The owners of working equidae should ensure that the animals’ level of health is high. There should also be disinfection materials in their living quarters and workstations. Under no circumstances should be used animals unfit for work i.e., ill animal, injured, animals in an advanced pregnancy as well as animals with poor maintenance of hooves. The animals should be given appropriate and adequate food and fresh drinking water daily, into containers which cannot be contaminated and are cleaned at least once a day. Working equines should not be loaded with excessive weight for their size, age or physical condition. The load cannot exceed the weight of 100kg, or one fifth of their body weight.
就在去年,希腊的地区发展和食品部(Ministry of Rural Development and Food)发布了一项新规定,规定驴子的负重不得超过100公斤或者自身体重的的五分之一。驴子主人应当确保动物的高健康水平。在它们的生活和作业场所必须备有消毒药品,在任何情况下都不得役使不适合继续工作的动物,包括生病的,受伤的,怀孕的以及蹄子保养不好的动物。动物们每天都能够得到足够且适量的食物,清洁的饮用水,并且必须在不受污染的容器内,容器一天至少要清洗一次。马匹不应当承受超过其年龄、体型及身体状况的重量,负重不得超过100公斤,或自身体重的五分之一。