英语听力汇总   |   别再用棉签清理耳朵了





Just in case you needed yet another reason to stopcleaning your ears with cotton buds (aka Q-Tips), one man's run-in with a severe and potentially life-threatening infection in his skull may give youpause.


In a newly published case report, doctors detail howan otherwise healthy 31-year-old man was broughtto their hospital's emergency department in anambulance after collapsing.


Upon arriving, he experienced seizures, and physical examinations showed he was confused, drowsy, and occupying an altered state of consciousness.


Later, he revealed he had felt headaches and nausea for several days, during which time hestruggled to remember names. Somewhat more ominously, he admitted feeling "intermittentleft ear pain and hearing loss" for the past five years.


When the doctors ran a CT scan on the man's skull, they discovered pus-filled abscesses in thetissue surrounding his brain, and discharge from one of his ears revealed the culprit behindthe infection: Pseudomonas aeruginosa, a dangerous disease-causing pathogen.




But how did this nasty bacterium get inside the man's skull?


A physical examination of the man's ear canal hints at the most likely answer: a fragment of acotton bud, that had been stuck in the man's head for who knows how long – but possiblyyears, if his earlier symptoms of pain and hearing loss are any guide.


"The use of cotton buds inside ears is common and has long been recognised to cause severalcomplications including trauma, tympanic membrane perforation, impacted earwax, infection, and retention of the cotton bud," the report states.


"The present case further reiterates the dangers of cotton bud use, and the importance offoreign body removal if identified in the EAC."
