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If you're struggling to find work, it might be worth considering a tattoo.


Job seekers have a better chance of being hired if the interviewer spots ink on their skin, according to new research.


This is because the artwork gives prospective candidates an advantage over their peers as tattoos help them to look more fashionable.


The two-year study also found that wages and annual earnings of tattooed employees were statistically indistinguishable from those without.


Bosses who continue to discriminate against people with tattoos may be settling for a less qualified pool applicant, researchers warned.


The research was conducted by University of Miami Business School.


Researchers, who surveyed more than 2,000 people across the US over the last two years, found that in the hiring market, tattooed job seekers were just as likely, and in some instances even more so, to gain employment.


'The long held stigmas associated with having tattoos, and particularly visible ones, may be eroding, especially among younger individuals who view body art as a natural and common form of personal expression', said lead author Professor Michael French, a health economist at the University of Miami Business School.

该研究主要作者、迈阿密大学商学院卫生经济学家Michael French教授表示:「长期与纹身所关联的耻辱感,尤其是可见的耻辱感,或许正在消散。那些年轻人最为特别,他们将人体艺术视为一种自然且常见的自我表达形式。」

'Given the increasing prevalence of tattoos in society – around 40 per cent for young adults – hiring managers and supervisors who discriminate against tattooed workers will likely find themselves at a competitive disadvantage for the most qualified employees.'

「鉴于纹身在社会上日益普及(年轻人中比例达40%) ,那些人事经理与管理者如果歧视有纹身的员工,可能会在人才争夺战中处于劣势。」

It is estimated a fifth of British adults has a tattoo – rising to about three in ten of those aged 16 to 44. Meanwhile, around 20 per cent of US adults have tattoos.


Traditionally, it has been said those with ink are risking their careers, with many high-ranking managers of an older generation whose traditional view may be that it signifies a less reliable character.This view has been corroborated by past research, which suggested bosses generally see tattooed people as less employable.


Two years ago, a study of almost 200 managers in the UK and US suggested having tattoos can actually increase employment chances where the clientele is younger.


It found managers seeking a bartender for a hypothetical nightclub gave higher ratings to images in which the candidate was tattooed.


Those looking for a waiter at an upscale restaurant, however, gave the tattooed images a lower rating.


The University of St Andrews study found offensive tattoos depicting misogynistic, Satanic, or fascist imagery, or anything related to drinking or drugs, were always unacceptable.


The full study was published in the journal Human Relations.

完整的研究结果发表于《Human Relations》杂志。