英语听力汇总   |   美式汉堡打败法国三明治 成法国人新宠





PARIS — Forget the baguette. The French are going crazy for burgers.

巴黎— 忘了法棍面包吧。法国人现在对汉堡很着迷。

Figures released this week have revealed that sales of the jambon-beurre — the ham and butter baguette sandwich, a classic of French snacking — have been surpassed by sales of American-style burgers.

本周公布的数据显示,美式汉堡的销量已经超过了jambon-beurre (火腿加黄油三明治,法国经典小吃)。

The study by restaurant consultants Gira Conseil showed that about 1.2 billion ham and butter sandwiches were sold in 2017, while 1.4 billion of burgers were eaten over the same period.


“The French’s favorite sandwich is losing ground, slowly but steadily,” the study said.


Overall, sales of both sandwiches and burgers are on the rise. The study notes that “the ham and butter sandwich recorded a 1.3 percent growth in 2017 while burger (sales) keep booming with 9 percent growth.”


According to the consultant’s figures, half of all sandwiches sold in 2017 — 2.4 billion — were jambon-beurre.


“Despite a rise in the numbers of jambon-beurre consumed this year, long gone are the prosperous years,” the study said. “In 2012, the jambon-beurre market share was 62 percent. It lost more than 11 percent over five years.”
