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For most people, Vincent Van Gogh's The Starry Night or Hokusai's The Great Wave off Kanagawa evoke famous paintings on display in museums or tucked away in private collections. For London-based makeup artist Stefania Atupe, they're the direct inspirations for some of her best looks on Instagram. According to Mashable, Stefania got the idea to recreate some of her favorite works on her eyelids after playing around with animal-print eye makeup.


"When I posted the peacock design onto twitter, a girl actually messaged me and said that it reminded her of a Van Gogh piece, and since I absolutely love Van Gogh I decided I would try out Starry Night," she told Mashable. "I then just sat down and spent a good hour and a half just recreating the look, slowly outlining it and developing the colours!"


It's hardly five-minute makeup, but the results were definitely worth all that time and painstaking effort. Stefania used a combination of Nyx eyeliners and Anastasia Beverly Hills eyeshadows to create the jaw-dropping looks. So far, she's stuck to paintings by Van Gogh and Hokusai, but we already can't wait to see what she creates next. Check out her most recent examples below!

这不是几分钟就能搞定的妆容,但是从成果来看,花费的时间和心血绝对是值得的。斯蒂芬娜用Nyx的眼线搭配Anastasia Beverly Hills的眼影来打造的妆容令人瞠目结舌。到目前为止,斯蒂芬娜仅重现梵高和葛饰北斋的画作,但是我们迫切希望看到她接下来打造的妆容。一起来欣赏她最近的杰作吧!