英国一名女子曾因被同学冠以"鱼嘴"的外号,饱受欺辱而被迫辍学。如今,她通过成为翻版Lady Gaga重拾自信。
Natalie Burns, 29, of West Hampstead, London, wasforced to be home-schooled from the age of 13 afterschool bullies cruelly named her 'fish lips' 'fat' and'ugly'.
With her confidence shattered, Natalie, who works in the music industry, spent her teen yearstrying to make herself 'invisible' and covered herself up in baggy clothes.
Then in 2011, strangers began to comment on Natalie's uncanny resemblance to Lady Gagaand she used her likeness to launch a career as a doppelganger.
之后在2011年,开始有陌生人说伯恩斯和Lady Gaga长相惊人的相似,于是她决定利用自己相像的外形开启Gaga替身的职业生涯。
To date, she has spent £7,000 recreating iconic Gaga looks and performs all over the UK as theoutlandish star, charging 600 pounds an hour for each appearance.
"Each look takes me hours to perfect, but it is so worth it and I feel so confident when I'mwearing the costume and channeling Gaga," said Burns.
"I used to have zero self-confidence and made no effort in my appearance whatsoever. Butnow, I love nothing more than pulling on my sparkly leotard and experimenting with dramaticmakeup looks. Gaga has definitely given me my life back. I'm no longer the timid, shy girl Iused to be."