英语听力汇总   |   炸鸡味的指甲油 你选哪种口味





HONG KONG — Assume, for the sake of argument,that KFC’s fried chicken is, as advertised, “fingerlickin’ good.”


Would you really want it to remain on your fingers?Indefinitely?


These are just two of the salient questions raised bythe chicken chain’s new Hong Kong marketing campaign, in which it is offering lickable, ediblefingernail polish in two flavors: Original, and Hot and Spicy.


“Yes, it is actually a real thing,” said Anna Mugglestone, marketing and communicationsdirector for Ogilvy & Mather Group in Hong Kong, the agency running the campaign. “Itried it myself in the office when they were doing testing.”

“是的,真有这个东西,”奥美(香港)广告有限公司(Ogilvy & Mather Group in Hong Kong)的市场营销和交流主管安娜·玛媾斯通(Mugglestone)说,该公司负责运作这次营销活动。“他们在公司做测试时,我本人就尝过它。”

And, as you might expect...


“It tastes like chicken,” she said. “It’s crazy. I don’t know how they do it.”


A more logical question would be why.


Ms. Mugglestone said the nail polish was a way “to remind the younger generation” of “thegreat taste and good times the brand stands for.”


The polish is made in conjunction with McCormick & Company, which produces thespices for KFC’s chicken. It has yet to be mass produced but could be available in the secondhalf of this year.

指甲油与味好美食品有限公司(McCormick & Company)联合制作,这是一家为肯德基炸鸡制造香料的公司。指甲油尚未进入大规模生产,但可能会在今年下半年推出。

KFC is asking Hong Kong customers which flavor they would prefer. “Neither” apparently is notan option.


Ms. Mugglestone said there has been “vast interest” in the polish, but comments online rangedfrom skeptical to harsh.


“Gross/intriguing,” the fashion and lifestyle website Racked.com tweeted.


“Original is actually pretty cute for spring,” Glamour.com wrote, “if, you know, it didn’t tastelike fried chicken.”
