1. Women have small appetites
1. 女性的胃口很小
“Even among girls, there are people who eat a lot,” pointed out one third-year college students, and as proof, we offer our encounters with female competitive eater Sachiyo Masubuchi.
“在女生中间,胃口好的人大有人在”,一位大学三年级的学生说道。作为证据,我们贡献出了了一位女性大胃王Sachiyo Masubuchi的例子。
2. Women don’t weigh much
2. 女性都不是很重
This is likely a corollary to the first fantasy, since if you make the assumption that women don’t eat very much, then it’s only natural to believe they all have featherweight frames as a result.“I heard some guy saying that if a woman weighs 45 kilograms (99 pounds) then she’s a fatty. What an idiot,” scoffed one first-year college student.
3. Women can cook
3. 女性都会烹饪
In contrast to the ostensible connection between the first two fantasies, this third one seems a bit out of place. After all, if you’ve got the idea in your head that women don’t eat very much, it’s a little contradictory to imagine they have an extensive repertoire of dishes they can prepare. Nonetheless, the image persists, according to women like the second-year college student who told researchers “Guys will say things like, ‘You can cook, right?’ to me.”
4. Women don’t have body hair
4. 女性没有体毛
Study participants who offered this response didn’t specify whether they were talking about men who don’t think hairs grows anywhere except on top of a woman’s head or men who expect women to completely shave or otherwise remove their body hair as a matter of course.