一 最有意志力的汪星人
Most dogs will pounce at thepotential of a food scrap dropping from the dinner table. Sid the beagle is not most dogs.
当有食物从桌上掉下来时 ,大多数狗都会猛扑过去。但是小猎犬希德跟大多数狗可不一样,它不会猛扑过去。
The five-year-old rescue pooch is more patient that most humans, posing Instagram long enough for his owner, Alex Hopes, to post his mug on Vine, orFacebook. When all things social media are snapped and hashtagged, Sid is rewarded with an edible treat.
这只五岁的救援犬比大多数人还要有耐心,它可以凹造型凹足够长时间,让它的主人亚历克斯·霍普可以给他拍照上传到Vine、Instagram 或者Facebook上面。当所有的社交媒体上面都上传了照片、添加标签后,希德会得到食物奖励。
Despite his class act, Sid is not any kind of show dog. "He's well behaved," Hopes tells The Huffington Post. "Any time he takes anything that's not his, he holds it in his mouth and waits for permission."
Recently, at his local burger joint in Austin, Texas, Hopes ordered a cookie and was given an extra for free. He decided to hand it over to Sid, who held it proudly in his mouth.
最近,在德克萨斯州奥斯丁当地一家汉堡店里,霍普要了一块曲奇,店家还免费送了一块。他决定把多的一块给希德,希德高兴的把它含在嘴里。This cookie was how Hopes discovered his beagle's natural talent. He's since snapped Sid carrying foods like hot dogs, bacon and doughnuts.
二 最懂享受的猪猪
The large family of pigs are something of a tourist attraction on the uninhabited Caribbeanisland of Big Major Cay, which hundreds of people visit every year to take a dip with the animals.
在Big Major Cay海湾的这个无人居住的加勒比海岛上,生活着这么一大家子的猪,它们似乎成为了某种旅游景点,每年都有上千人来和他们一起游泳。
Pigs might SWIM in the Bahamas, where these beachbum oinkers paddle up to 300ft from the shore toenjoy the 24C Caribbean sea.
巴哈马群岛上会游泳的猪,它们最远游到离岸边300英尺的地方享受24度水温的加勒比海。The swine trot along the beach, soaking up the sun before taking a dip in the 24C ocean, oftenpaddling 300ft from the shore to greet people as they arrive on yachts.
三 最懂得自救的鹦鹉
Emergency crews responding to a house fire in IdahoFriday night expected to find an elderly woman insidethe home when they heard cries of "help" and "fire."
But after an extensive search, firefighters were onlyable to find two parrots — one who happened to bemore verbal than the other.
"Once the captain did his walk-around, he could hear something or someone inside yelling, 'help,fire, help, fire,'" Islas said. Crews went into "rescue mode" and called for backup, thinking thatthe calls for help were coming from an elderly female, Islas said.
When firefighters couldn't find anyone in the house, they started using thermal imagerytechnology, which detected no people, but rather, a parrot sitting on a table, Islas said.
The boisterous female parrot was rescued, along with a quieter male parrot. The female parrotwas given oxygen by way of an adult oxygen mask, Islas said. She immediately perked up andstarted to imitate the sounds of the sirens, he said.