英语听力汇总   |   香港设计师把时尚融入玉饰设计





Beyond Green Jade


HONG KONG — It’s often called the stone of heaven and is believed to ward off evil.


The Chinese have long been fascinated by jade — many people you pass on the street here, men and women alike, wear a bracelet or pendant — but soaring demand for the traditional deep-green color has designers increasingly turning to lavender, black, yellow and even colorless, or clear, jade.


In prices, “there has been an upward growth these five to six years, mainly due to the economic strength of the mainland Chinese market,” said Chiang Shiu-fung, associate vice president of Christie’s Hong Kong and a jewelry specialist.

在价格方面,“最近五六年,主要是因为大陆市场的的经济实力在增强,玉石价格也持续走高,” 香港佳士得助理副总裁及珠宝专家蒋肇丰说。

Jewelry designers in Hong Kong have turned to other colors as traditional green jade becomes more expensive and hard to get. Michelle Ong, the owner and designer of the Hong Kong jewelry brand Carnet, said it took her several years to collect jade in the right size and form to create this necklace of gourd-shaped yellow jadeite and diamonds.


A jade necklace that once belonged to the American heiress Barbara Hutton was sold last year by Sotheby’s Hong Kong for $27.44 million, a record auction price for jade jewelry. The piece, which had been estimated to sell for $12.8 million, featured round, perfectly matched green beads with a ruby and diamond clasp by Cartier, which made the winning bid.

去年香港苏富比以2744万美元的价格拍出了美国名媛芭芭拉·霍顿(Barbara Hutton)的一条翡翠项链,创下了玉石首饰的拍卖纪录。这件首饰预估价在1280万美元,翡翠圆珠完美地搭配着卡地亚镶配的红宝石镶钻链扣,最后亦被卡地亚拍下。

It is such prices that have been changing the jade market.


“When someone is spending millions of dollars purchasing a jadeite piece of jewelry, they are only concerned about the quality of the jade and not so much the design,” said Eddy Hui, artistic director of Edward Chiu Jewellery Art, a boutique in Hong Kong’s Central district that specializes in contemporary jade pieces. “They tend to stick with very traditional and simple styles because the value of the stone prohibits them from being too fashion-forward.

“人们花费成千上百万美元购买硬玉首饰,他们介意的只是玉本身的质量,而非首饰的设计,”爱德华·邱珠宝艺术(Edward Chiu Jewellery Art)的艺术指导艾迪·许(Eddy Hui,音译)说,这是一家坐落在香港中环上的精品店,专营当代玉石首饰。“他们喜欢非常传统、非常简单的款式,因为硬玉价格太高,设计上不能过于追求时尚。”

“But we have been advocating other colors, which are more reasonably priced, and we can be more daring and creative, making jadeite jewels more relevant to the fashionable customer,” he said.


Price difference


To illustrate, Mr. Hui held up two pairs of jadeite earrings of identical design, oval disks with a cut-out pattern. The white jade was listed at 110,000 Hong Kong dollars, or $14,193; the green was 250,000 dollars, more than double the price.


In the Chiu shop, where merchandise is displayed in gilded birdcages, Mr. Hui also showed a flower bracelet, part of the company’s Lady Lavender collection. A combination of petals in lavender jade accented with black jade, ruby spinels and diamonds mounted in 18-karat white gold, it sells for 2.3 million dollars.

在爱德华·邱店内,商品都被陈列在镀金的鸟笼里,许先生向我们出示了一款雕花手镯,它属于公司的“薰衣草女郎”(Lady Lavender)系列。手镯上有淡紫色玉石的花瓣,配合着黑色玉石以及镶嵌在18K白金上的红晶石和钻石,手镯售价230万港元。

Mr. Hui said he would not make such a daring design in green jade, as a top-quality stone in that color could be put to more profitable use. “A jeweler will probably harvest the stone and make several pairs of earrings or pendants that will give a better yield,” he said.


Jade actually is a general term for two substances, nephrite and jadeite. Nephrite, which is durable and looks opaque (the Chinese call it “mutton fat”), has been used since prehistoric times to create objects from utensils to weapons. Jadeite, the more valuable stone, with a quartz-like or translucent appearance, is more commonly used for jewelry and was prized by Chinese emperors during the Qing dynasty (mid-1600s to 1912). Its growing popularity has even some Western jewelry designers, such as David Webb in New York and the Paris house JAR, featuring jade in their designs.

“玉石”其实是软玉和硬玉这两种质材的统称。软玉更耐久,是不透明的,中文称之为“羊脂”,从史前时代就用来制作各种物品,从厨具到武器应有尽有。硬玉翡翠更加昂贵,呈石英状或半透明状,主要用于制作首饰,深受清王朝(17世纪中期到1912年)的各位帝王喜爱。它目前也愈来愈受到西方珠宝设计师的青睐,纽约的大卫·韦伯(David Webb)和巴黎品牌JAR都在设计中使用了玉石。

Today, most jadeite comes from Myanmar. But “top-quality Burmese jadeite is becoming rare to find,” another factor driving up prices, said Mr. Chiang of Christie’s.


Christie’s Hong Kong, which has opened a sales department for clients who do not want to wait for its twice-yearly auctions, stocks jewelry in clear and lavender jade in addition to green. Mr. Chiang displayed one of its pieces, a ring with a cabochon-style piece of colorless jadeite.


“White jadeite has always been loved by the Chinese. They carve religious figures like the deity Guanyin with more opaque white because the color stands for purity,” he said, referring to the Buddhist goddess of mercy. And “for more fashionable designs, a clear jadeite ring looks very contemporary.”


The Chiu boutique also has pieces in yellow and red jade, which Mr. Hui said are favored by European customers. “Yellow complements the fair skin tone of Caucasian clients,” he noted.


While Chiu Jewellery Art focuses on dramatic, high-fashion styles, Kai-yin Lo, a self-taught designer in Hong Kong who began working with jade in the 1970s, has a more subtle aesthetic — although it also relies on various colors of jade.


“I have been using red, lavender, white and yellow jadeite in my design because classic green is too traditional,” she said.


Using a combination of nephrite sourced in China by antique dealers and jadeite from Hong Kong wholesalers, Ms. Lo connects jade pieces with silk cords, sometimes adding small whimsical details such as a coral ring or a horn fastener to an otherwise elegant assemblage.


The stone


The design of jade jewelry also is influenced by the shape, texture and characteristic of the stone.


Mr. Hui noted: “It’s not like diamond jewelry where you can create a design and source various shapes and sizes of diamonds. Jadeite is always the origin of the design itself.”


A nephew of Mr. Chiu, who died two years ago, Mr. Hui comes from a family of jadeite specialists who travel to Myanmar regularly to obtain stones. “Because we are experts, we already have our idea of what we want to make and what the quality of the jadeite before we even harvest it from the boulder,” he said.


And sometimes a designer has to be patient.


Michelle Ong, the owner and designer of the Hong Kong jewelry brand Carnet, said it took her several years to collect jade in the right size and shape for a floral-design brooch and a necklace of diamonds and gourd-shaped yellow jadeite.

香港珠宝品牌Carnet的所有者兼设计师米歇尔·翁(Michelle Ong)说,为了设计一枚花朵形状的胸针,以及一条缀着葫芦形状黄色硬玉的钻石项链,她花费几年时间收集形状大小合适的玉石。

“Jadeite is always going to be the chosen gemstone for Asians because of our heritage,” she said. “And the fact that we need to take our time and find the right stone first — you can’t rush it.”
