The cosmetics maker has become investors’ favouritecompany, thanks to its rapid earnings growth andbright outlook, with its share price surging nearly 160per cent to about Won2.3m over the past year.
The company’s overseas sales surged 38 per cent to Won382.7bn ($349m) in the first half of thisyear as it generates one-fifth of its revenue outside South Korea. Its full-year overseas sales areexpected to reach Won700bn as growing interest in South Korean drama and music helps boostsales of its skin care products in China and other parts of Asia.
Young Asian women, especially Chinese tourists, are flocking to Seoul to buy moisturising creamsand foundations, with the help of ads featuring South Korean stars from the films, soap operas andmusic that have taken Asia by storm over the past decade.
“The Korea Wave has certainly been helpful in raising our brand awareness in the region,” saysSean Kim, the company’s vice-president in charge of business strategy. “We aim to become theAsian beauty creator by answering Asian women’s strong needs for clean and bright skin.”
“‘韩流’肯定有助于提升我们在亚洲地区的品牌认知度,”爱茉莉太平洋负责商业战略的副总裁Sean Kim表示,“我们的目标是成为亚洲的美丽缔造者,满足亚洲女性对于干净明亮肌肤的强烈渴求。”
China lies at the heart of the company’s plans to increase international sales to half of its targetsales of Won12tn by 2020. Its total revenues amounted to Won3.1tn last year. Despite its fastgrowth, AmorePacific is still finding its feet in China with just a 1.2 per cent share of the country’sbeauty and personal care market, compared with Procter & Gamble’s 13.5 per cent andL’Oréal’s 9.1 per cent, according to market researcher Euromonitor International.
该公司计划到2020年,将海外销售额增至其12万亿韩元目标总销售额的一半。中国居于这一计划的中心。去年,该公司总收入达到3.1万亿韩元。根据市场研究机构欧睿国际(Euromonitor)的数据,尽管增长迅速,但爱茉莉太平洋仅占据中国美容和个人护理市场1.2%的份额,而宝洁(Procter & Gamble)高达13.5%,欧莱雅(L’Oréal)占9.1%。
“China is the biggest and most important market for us,” says Mr Kim, forecasting Chinese sales willjump more than 40 per cent a year to top Won3tn by 2020 from Won338.7bn last year.
Sean Kim表示:“对我们而言,中国是最大也是最重要的市场。”他预测,到2020年,该公司在华销售额将每年增长40%以上,从去年的3387亿韩元增至逾3万亿韩元。
The company is pinning high hopes on a new cosmetics factory and research centre in Shanghai,which will boost its annual production capacity by 10 times to 100m units, as it tries to wrest sharefrom bigger western rivals such as P&G and L’Oréal.
While AmorePacific uses famous South Korean actors and actresses to promote its products, MrKim stresses that high quality is essential to ensure that Chinese consumers keep buying itsproducts. The company, which has about 3,500 shops in China, is expanding its product line-uptailored toward Chinese customers such as ultra-hydrating creams, cleansing creams and collagendrinks to address their concern about pollution and dry weather.
尽管爱茉莉太平洋利用韩国著名演员来推销其产品,但Sean Kim强调,高质量对于确保中国消费者继续购买其产品至关重要。该公司在中国大约有3500家门店,正扩大针对中国消费者的产品系列,例如超级补水霜、洗面奶和胶原蛋白口服液,以解她们对于污染和干燥天气的担忧。
Chinese sales are driven by mid-priced lotions and face creams under brand names such as Laneigeand Innisfree, which highlight natural ingredients such as green tea from the scenic Jeju island. Yetits luxury cosmetics range, Sulwhasoo, based on traditional herbal medicines such as ginseng, isalso gaining increasing popularity.
“While emotional communication is effective for Korean consumers, Chinese women often askfor more scientific functions such as whitening and anti-ageing,” says Mr Kim.
Sean Kim表示:“尽管情感沟通对韩国消费者有效,但中国女性经常会要求更多科技功效,例如美白和抗衰老。”
About half of the company’s overseas sales come from China but the company products such aswhitening creams and “air cushion” foundations soaked in a sponge are also popular in southeastAsia. Mr Kim says however that the company must expand further into western markets toachieve its long-term vision of joining the top five global brands by 2020 as well as becoming thenumber one cosmetics company in Asia.
Its Lolita Lempicka perfume was once one of France’s top five-selling fragrances although sales inthe French market have stagnated in recent years. The company is now trying to revivemomentum in France after acquiring premium perfume brand Annick Goutal in 2011. In the US,the company is also trying to position itself as a high-end niche player, focusing on premium brandssuch as Sulwhasoo.
该公司的洛俪塔(Lolita Lempicka)香水曾经是法国最热销的5款香水之一,但最近几年,这款产品在法国市场的销售额陷于停滞。在2011年收购高端香水品牌Annick Goutal之后,该公司正努力在法国恢复往日神采。在美国,该公司也正努力将自己定位为高端利基品牌,专注雪花秀等高端品牌。
“Asia is still our main market but we will have to go beyond the region eventually to become a trulyglobal company,” says Mr Kim. “It will probably be an uphill battle, given our low brand recognitionin western markets. However, we see an optimistic sign in westerners’ growing interest in Asianbeauty.”
“亚洲仍是我们的主要市场,但我们必须将目光放远,最终成为一家真正的国际性企业,”Sean Kim表示,“鉴于我们在西方的品牌认知度较低,这可能会是一场硬仗。但西方人对亚洲美的兴趣正日益增强,我们从中看到了乐观迹象。”