The polar vortex’s return this week was a nuisance to most New Yorkers, but it provided optimal conditions for appreciating the Fall/Winter 2014 wares on offer at the men’s clothing and lifestyle trade shows MAN, Capsule and Project. Among the heritage and camping-supply items that usually abound at these events, a few new lines stood out. Below are the 10 best pieces — some basic, some inclement-weather specific, but all refreshingly new.
Petrou/Man’s first Fall/Winter collection for its new spinoff label, Audience, experiments with textured color blocking and patchwork designs created with different fabrics, like acid-washed cotton and imitation shearling. This patchwork cardigan is a standout from the set.
For those still in search of the perfect T-shirt, there is the New York-based designer Daniel DuGoff’s brand-new line, DDUGOFF. His nascent line offers “unbasic basics” such as this boxy-cut T-shirt made from quality shirting fabric.
还在寻找完美T恤的人可以看看纽约设计师丹尼尔·杜戈夫(Daniel DuGoff)的新系列DDUGOFF。这个新生系列推出了一些“非基础的基础款”,比如这件用高品质衬衫平布做的宽松T恤。
The Todd Snyder + Champion collection has been around for a couple of seasons now. But this season, the New York-based designer behind the label tapped the outerwear company Crescent Down Works to create this puffer jacket with a sweatshirt shell and nylon lining to round out the looks. Behold the triple collaboration!
Todd Snyder + Champion系列已经存在几季了。但是这一季,该品牌的纽约设计师和外套制作公司Crescent Down Works合作制作了这件蓬松的上衣,它有着运动衫的外形和尼龙衬里。把它看做是三个品牌的组合吧!
On rainy and snowy days, these Dr. Martens-inspired waterproof Rainman shoes from Japan blend in better with everyday life than a pair of chunky rain boots would.
在雨雪天,这些来自日本的以马丁靴(Dr. Martens)为灵感设计的Rainman防水鞋比笨重的雨靴更容易融入日常生活。
Since 2012, the designers Aurélien Arbet and Jérémie Egry of Études have created men’s clothing that feels both Brooklyn-esque and French (which is not surprising since they’re based out of studios in Paris and the Brooklyn neighborhood of Greenpoint). This bold, cerulean cable-knit is easy to wear, and works year-round.
从2012年起,Études的设计师奥雷利安·阿贝(Aurélien Arbet)和热雷米·埃格里(Jérémie Egry)开始制作既有布鲁克林风格又有法国韵味的男装(这不奇怪,因为他们出身于巴黎和布鲁克林绿点社区的工作室)。这件厚实的天蓝色麻花毛衣便于穿着,而且一年四季都能穿。
Our Legacy consistently offers strong collections of pieces that any man would want to own. Though most people turn to the Swedish brand for its outerwear, it’s really the denim that gets better every season, as evidenced in this pair of artfully distressed black jeans with subtly frayed waistband and hems.
Our Legacy不断推出任何男人都想拥有的强悍系列。虽然大部分人喜欢这个瑞典品牌是因为它的外套,但是每一季变得更好的是它的牛仔裤,比如这条巧妙做旧的黑色牛仔裤,它的腰带和裤边巧妙地微微磨旧。
After Monday’s blizzard-slammed commute, Woolpower‘s thermal shirts were a sight for sore eyes. Made in Sweden, they utilize merino wool to trap heat and wick away perspiration. With a smooth inner side that reduces scratchiness, the all-natural shirts rival any high-tech winter gear.
With styles named after dog breeds, Buddy recognizes that sneakers, like dogs, are a man’s best friend. This was the first New York show for the Japanese brand, which offers minimally designed shoes that function as everyday staples.
Neubaº is a young British brand focused on hand-woven men’s wear. The founder, Aldo Kahane, works with textile designers and weavers from around the world to create shirts that showcase a range of intricate patterns and textures, like this plaid shirt made from variegated weaves.
Neubaº是个年轻的英国品牌,专做手工缝制的男装。它的创始人奥尔多·卡亨(Aldo Kahane)和世界各地的纺织品设计师和编织工一起制作展示各种复杂的图案和质地的衬衫,比如这件杂色格子衬衫。
As with most backpack aficionados, my predilection predates its recent resurgence in the fashion industry. So in the case of this Hærfest bag that resembles the classic Jansport packs we’ve all used since early school days — but is made with the highest-quality leather and canvas — it’s hard not to get excited.