You may mull over a good airplane fare hoping it might get even lower later. Instead of waiting, purchase the ticket. Department of Transportation rules that took effect in January 2012 allow travelers to cancel a booking without penalty 24 hours after the reservation is made, as long as the reservation is made one week or more before departure。你可能在思考购买实惠的机票,希望票价以后还能再低点。与其等待,不如动手买票。2012年1月生效的运输部条例规定,在订票生成后 24小时内允许游客取消订票而且不处罚金,只要是在出发前一个星期或更久前预定的机票。
Seek Out Empty Middles腾出中间空间
If you are traveling with someone else, a good tip is to book one window and one aisle seat in the same row, Freedman says. This increases the chances that no one will purchase the middle seat and you'll have more room when you fly. People are less likely to choose a middle seat when they travel by themselves. If someone does purchase the seat, you can be the hero that offers them one of your window or aisle seats。如果你与他人同行,一条不错的建议是订两张同排的机票,一张靠窗口,一张靠过道。那么就增加了其他人不去购买中间座位的可能性,这样当你坐飞机时你就有了更多的空间。当人们自己出行时,他们很少选择中间座位。如果有人买了中间座位,你可以像英雄一样给他们提供一张靠窗或靠过道的座位。
Book Early Flights预定早班机票
The first flight out in the morning is always less likely to have a delay. So if you can get up at the crack of dawn, you will probably get to your vacation sooner。清晨首次航班往往较少出现延误。所以如果你能在破晓起床,你就能早点度假。
Travel on These Days在这些日子里旅行
The days of travel that are generally the cheapest are Tuesday, Wednesday or Saturday. There also tend to be fewer people traveling on those days, which will make your airport and airplane experience more pleasant. The majority of airfare sales also come out on Tuesdays。花销最便宜的旅行日是在星期二、星期三和星期六。在这些日子里,往往出行游玩的人也少一些,这样在机场和飞机上的体验就更惬意了。多数机票也是在周二出售。
Think Local Everywhere想想当地
Just as you may check out daily deal websites to find good deals in your city, search for local deals in your destination city and you'll have a more authentic experience devoid of tourist trappings. Many sites also offer deals that have a short expiration date. If you sign up for these offers and act fast, you can get some serious bargains。就像你在自己的城市浏览团购网找实惠一样,搜一搜目的地城市当地的贸易情况,你将有一次真正的毫无旅游陷阱的旅行体验。很多网站也提供短期有效交易。如果你马上行动订购,你可以得到相当不错的折扣。
Travel on Holidays, Literally在节假日当天出行
Christmas Day is actually the cheapest day to fly. So it's perfect if you're OK with missing out on pre-holiday activities. New Year's Day also has some lower rates, she adds. The six weeks after Thanksgiving are also a good time to search for vacation deals, especially to Las Vegas. There's a lull between Thanksgiving and the New Year and historically, there are very low hotel rates in Vegas in these weeks. Early January is also a good time to plan a trip to the Caribbean when resorts try to entice people to visit。圣诞节当天其实是乘飞机最便宜的一天。如果你不介意错过节前活动的话,那是最好的选择。在新年这一天,也有许多廉价机票。感恩节后的那六周时间也是搜索假日航班的好时段,尤其是到拉斯维加斯。在感恩节和新年之间有段空档,在那几周里拉斯维加斯的酒店价位会低很多。一月上旬也是计划出行加勒比海的好时段,因为那时度假村在尽力吸引游客前往参观。
Book Hotels in the Business District在商业区预订酒店
If you are looking for a weekend away, book your hotel in the central business district or a financial district of the city you are visiting. These hotels are busiest Monday to Friday and often try to woo weekend travelers. Plus, downtown hotels generally have a higher number of stars。如果你是想过个周末,在中央商业区或在你要参观的城市金融区里订一家酒店。这些酒店从周一忙碌到周五,常常想吸引周末的游客。此外,市中心的酒店档次通常会高一些。
Look for All-Inclusive寻找套餐服务
Many resorts, particularly in the Caribbean and Mexico, have great all-inclusive deals that include hotel and meals. Many of them also offer free deals for children under 12. If you are traveling with your family, you should also consider booking a condominium resort where you have more space and a kitchen to allow you to cut down on food costs. 很多旅游胜地,尤其是在加勒比海和墨西哥,有很多套餐服务,包括酒店和饮食。很多地方还为不到12岁的儿童提供免费套餐。如果你是和家人一起,你应该考虑预定公寓式酒店,在那里你能有更多的空间,亲自下厨可以减少伙食上的开销。
Be Aware of Hidden Fees当心潜在开销
Many travelers don't calculate fees when booking their trips. Baggage fees, transfer fees and public transportation can all add up, so make sure you factor in all travel and transport costs。当预定行程时,很多旅行者都没有计算费用。把行李费、转机费和公共交通费用全加起来,一定要考虑全部的旅行和交通费用。
Track the Weather留意天气
When booking a trip that has layovers, remember to consider the weather at each locations. Be mindful. Weather in the cities you are traveling through can really impact where you are going。如果要转机,记得考虑每处的天气情况。要留心。你旅行路过的这些城市的天气会影响到你的行程。