Forget tattoos, belly button piercings and Lady Gaga-style silicone implants - the latest craze in body modification is 'corset piercing' where metal rings are pierced into the skin and joined together with a ribbon to give a corset effect. The 'decoration', which can cost up to ?300, can be applied to any area of the body where the skin is loose enough to pinch in order to thread a needle through. Popular areas include the back, ribs and, in some cases, even the throat。
要想别出心裁?要想走在时尚的尖端?要用纹身?穿肚脐环或者学嘎嘎小姐“奇装异服”来证明自己的存在也许还真是"OUT"了。不可思议的是,现在时下的年轻人“勇于创新”竟然发明出“穿孔紧身衣”的方法来吸引大家的眼球!据悉,这种潮流是通过在皮肤上穿孔戴环,然后将丝带从中交互穿过,从而达到像“中世纪的紧身胸衣”的效果。由于胸衣十分“贴身”(再也不可能找到另一种更贴身穿胸衣的方法来与其媲美了),穿孔胸衣受到青年人的追捧。此外,这款 “穿孔胸衣”的售价并不便宜,每一“款”要达到300英镑!可以“适用于”身体的任何一个部分,但是也还是有条件的,条件是想要“打孔”的皮肤必须要“足够松弛”可以让美容师进行“穿针引线”的手术!而且,医生也推荐了合适做此类穿孔胸衣的身体部位:比如说后背、肋骨甚至喉咙等等。
But a cosmetic surgeon has now warned of the dangers of the bizarre trend which is sweeping the UK, saying the scarring following the procedure can be 'absolutely horrendous'. Body modification: 'Corset piercing' is the latest craze sweeping the UK. It involves sticking hoops into the skin and then threading them with ribbon Some have endured an hour of pain to achieve the corset effect but it's only temporary - after a few weeks of wear they simply grow out, leaving scars in their place. It appears to be the latest in the 'body modification' phenomenon, which has seen people going to extraordinary levels in a bid to stand out from the crowd。