2012年4月,随着电视剧《后宫甄嬛传》的热播,观众们在看电视剧的过程中,被里面“古色古香”的台词所 倾倒,剧中人物对话文艺调十足,语调不急不缓,口气不惊不乍,从容大方。细细品味这古诗风韵之余,引起网友的效仿,并将这种文体称为甄嬛体。很多网友平时 说话聊天时纷纷效仿,言语间颇具古风,极具喜感,微博上,除了刻意的甄嬛体造句,网友们还把甄嬛体引入到日常生活中,凭空制造出无数欢乐。
The series is adapted from a novel of the same name by Liu Lianzi, and the story centers on the schemes between Emperor Yongzheng's concubines in the imperial palace during the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911).
The pure and innocent 17-year-old Zhen Huan is chosen for the emperor's harem, and after entering the palace, she finds herself caught in the fierce infighting between the empress and the concubines. Realizing that the palace is actually a cruel and harsh place, Zhen has to learn to survive on her own, sometimes by unscrupulous methods.
With her wits and talents, Zhen fights her way through and wins the emperor's affection, ultimately becoming the most powerful concubine in the imperial palace and ascending to unparalleled glory and wealth. However, she also becomes a woman with few true friends at her side, even after she is rid of all her enemies.
Directed by Zheng Xiaolong and starring Sun Li and Chen Jianbin, "Legend of Zhen Huan" has been praised as one of the best historical dramas in the Chinese mainland in recent years. Through the thrilling story, audiences can also learn about ancient Chinese poetry, wardrobes, court etiquettes, and herbal medicine. The show also features many refined dialogues that become trending quotes among its followers on the internet.
Some viewers have also begun using the story to allude to the present and describe the schemes and trickery between rivals in the palace as "a treasured book for survival in today's professional world." Psychological experts disagreed, saying that violent infighting is not a characteristic in modern workplaces.
@-张广龙V:“方才在上课时感到头痛乏力心口生疼……想必是昨天没休息好,今天继续上课,难免心生急躁夜不安寐,私心盼着若能早点下课回寝室小睡两个时 辰,定可缓解身体不适,老师若能再宽限些日子让恢复体能定是极好的,方可好好学习。”“说人话!”“我想回寝室睡觉不想上课了!”
@杨大石:“长假后上班第一日,不知怎的,心急火燎的,想来怕是接连三天疯玩所致,同事默默工作,几日未见,只望不要生分了才好;私心想着若是带一些土特 产分享,定可让大家雀跃几分,一起吃食乐乐必是极好的,上班也能过得舒坦些,不过想来三日后又可吃吃睡睡倒也不负恩泽。”“说人话!”“又上班,烦死 了。”
@ChanYeol的Lucy杏_:“减肥十日,身子也有些乏了,仔细着怕着了风寒,哪知老天不眷顾,这几日外出顿感浑身无力,偶有咳嗽,想是花粉过敏所 致。原以为减肥能成功,倒也不负这几日所受苦楚,不料前几日思亲返乡兴致大好,归来才发现这一切都只是枉然,这一段的忍饥挨饿,原都是错付了!”“说人 话!”“回家一趟又肥了!”