Order up some mint or chamomile. 喝薄荷茶或者洋甘菊茶
A steaming cup of one of these teas will quickly dispel that dyspeptic feeling. Simply use one of either kind of tea bag to a cup of water. Cover and steep for ten minutes before drinking. Many restaurants stock these two calming brews, so have it after dinner if you've eaten something rich that might not agree with you.
Sip this before eating. 饭前30分钟喝苹果酒加蜂蜜
If you know you're going to indulge in foods that will make you sorry later, try this folk remedy first. Add one teaspoon of honey and one teaspoon apple cider vinegar to a glass of warm water and drink it 30 minutes before you dine.
Soda to the rescue. 喝点加柠檬汁的小苏打水
Stir a teaspoon of baking soda into a glass of water, add a few drops of lemon juice, and drink it. If your stomach is too acidic, this solution neutralizes stomach acid and helps relieve painful gas. In very rare cases, baking soda has been known to explode in the stomach and cause tearing, so squirt the lemon juice into the water first, to dispel some of the gas before it hits your stomach.
Nibble on candy. 吃点姜糖
Candied ginger, that is. Ginger slices that have been dried and sugared are sold in supermarkets and health or natural food stores. They keep forever in the pantry and taste yummy. Two or three pieces can tame your tummy woes. This makes a great remedy for children's minor stomach aches.
Have half a bitter beer. 喝半杯苦啤酒
Beers that have a bitter bite are rich in hops, an herb that helps stimulate digestion. But don't get carried away - more than a half glass of beer will depress your digestion.