Cole flowers in full bloom, Wuyuan, Jiangxi Province
As the famous saying goes, woman is like a flower, perfect in form. In March, the cole flowers in Wuyuan, Jiangxi Province are in full bloom. The beautiful flowers blanket hill and dale in the form of terraces. The villages of black-tiled roofs and white walls are dotted in the golden yellow flowers, giving a touch of spring in the air.
Enjoy spa, Sanya, Hainan Province
Sanya is abundant in sea resources and natural springs. It is also endowed with thermal and mineral water suitable for drinking and bathing. Today visitors find it a perfect place for a day in the spa. Some hotels have successfully launched a series of spas of different functions. On Women's Day, relaxing in a health spa is indeed an aliment for the body and mind.
Please your palate, Shihlin Night Market, Taipei, Taiwan Province
The Shihlin Night Market in Taipei has most of the flavor snacks from all over Chinese mainland. When the night falls, waves of people flood the narrow street. The famous snacks in the street include frog eggs (pearls in sweet sauce), egg cakes, steamed dumplings, fried bread stick, crunch cake wrap and squid thick soup.
Hit the store! Hong Kong
It is generally accepted that women are born shopping-addicts. So Women's Day is a good opportunity to treat themselves as many discounts are offered. Hong Kong is obviously the heaven for shopping, where visitors can purchase a variety of brands in all price ranges, from traditional Chinese products to world-famous brands and latest designs.