1. Take showers rather than baths and reduce your shower time by two minutes. This will save water and give you an extra two minutes in bed.
2. Only turn the water heater on when necessary, and adjust temperature controls to avoid overheating. Put a lid on a pan when boiling water.
3. The greediest home device along with the washing machine is the fridge. Make sure it's as efficient as possible by keeping it out of direct sunlight and away from the oven or heater. Don't put food in when it's still warm.
4. This is obvious, but essential: switch off all appliances when you're not using them. This includes lights.
5. Conserve energy by using efficient light bulbs. They use about one-third of the energy of normal bulbs and last 10 times as long.
6. Take your own mug and cutlery to work. This saves throwing away disposable cups and containers--but that could be outweighed by washing your cutlery. So, pay attention to how you use water when washing your dishes.
7. Find out what the recycling options are in your area. Then make sure you keep items such as paper and plastic bottles separate so that they can be recycled. There are places where you can recycle electronic appliances and batteries. Make sure you find them.
8. Look for reusable, recyclable, biodegradable items and remember to carry your reusable shopping bags!