英语听力汇总   |   幸福生活的七大秘诀





秘诀1:很多幸福用钱是买不到的 Money buys you little happiness  

       One of the most infamous findings in happiness research is that money doesn’t buy a lot of happiness – or at least not as much as we think it should. According to the economist Richard Easterlin, part of the reason for this is that we care a great deal more about what other people earn than what we do ourselves.
       幸福研究领域的最著名发现之一是,很多幸福是金钱买不来的,或者至少不像我们想象的那么多。经济学家理查德•伊斯特林(Richard Easterlin)表示,部分原因在于,我们对于别人收入的关心程度,要远远超出对我们自己收入的关心。
       For those whose most basic needs are already met, money buys additional happiness only if it can lead to higher status in society, which is hard when everyone else is also getting richer over time. Since people’s comparison group varies from place to place, those living in more affluent areas of London, for example, would probably need to earn at least £200k a year to ensure that they are staying well ahead of most other Londoners – and even that might not be enough.
      Moreover, according to the Princeton University psychologist Daniel Kahneman, the weak relationship between happiness and income can also be explained, in part, by the evidence that richer people tend to spend more time engaging in activities associated with no greater happiness, on average, but with slightly higher tension and stress – such as work, childcare and shopping. By contrast, people with lower incomes tend to spend more time engaging in happiness-rich experiences such as socialising with friends and other passive leisure activities such as resting and watching TV.
       此外,普林斯顿大学(Princeton University)心理学家丹尼尔•卡纳曼(Daniel Kahneman)表示,之所以说幸福与收入的关系较为松散,一定程度上是因为有证据表明,一般而言,更富有的人往往用更多时间从事不会带来更大幸福感的活动,这些活动的紧张及压力程度略高——例如工作、育儿和购物。相比之下,收入较低的人往往把更多时间花在幸福感十足的事情上,例如与朋友社交,以及休息和看电视等其它被动的娱乐活动。
      However, when these high- and low-income earners are prompted to think about the impact of income on their happiness, both tend to focus more on the conventional possibilities of money when evaluating its effects. This leads to the conclusion that life must be significantly happier for the rich than for the poor.
      The truth is quite the opposite: poorer people can – and often do – lead significantly happier lives than the rich.


秘诀2:朋友比法拉利价更高 Friends are worth more than a new Ferrari

       How much money is enough to make us happy? Because the effect of income on our happiness depends largely on how much money our colleagues, neighbours and friends earn, it’s difficult to say. Yet it’s easier to say how much extra money is required, on average, for a socially isolated person to be just as happy as a socially active person – no more, no less.
      The calculation of prices of various non-marketable goods such as the joy of friendship or marriage, first put forward in the early 1990s by the University of Warwick economist Andrew Oswald, is based on a very simple idea. Imagine that, on average, money makes people happy. Imagine also that people who see their friends every day are significantly happier than those who live in isolation. In principle, then, it’s possible to calculate how much extra income would have to be given to someone to compensate exactly for the lack of social life.
       对于各种不可买卖的物品(比如友谊或婚姻带来的乐趣),其价格的计算基于一个非常简单的理念,它是由华威大学(University of Warwick)经济学家安德鲁•奥斯瓦德(Andrew Oswald)上世纪90年代初率先提出的。想象一下,一般来说,金钱会让人幸福。再想象一下,那些每天都能看到朋友的人,要比那些离群索居的人幸福得多。那么,原则上讲,我们有可能计算出还需要多少额外收入,才能恰好弥补社交生活匮乏给某人造成的损失。
       In Britain, for example, a pay rise of £1,000 is associated with an increase in happiness of approximately 0.0007 points on a self-reported seven-point happiness scale. Seeing friends more often, on the other hand, is associated with an increase in happiness of approximately 0.161 points. What this implies is that swapping a sociable life for an isolated one requires a pay rise of approximately 0.161/0.0007 – roughly £230,000 a year. That’s a little more than a new, gleaming Ferrari 612 Scaglietti.
       例如,在英国,根据一种自行报告的7点幸福标准,收入增加1000英镑,将令幸福感上升大约0.0007点。另一方面,更频繁地会朋友,将令幸福感提升约0.161点。这意味着,用喜好交际的生活换取离群索居的生活,需要收入增加大约 0.161/0.0007英镑,即每年23万英镑左右,略高于一辆熠熠生辉的法拉利新款612 Scaglietti。


秘诀3:中奖不会立刻让人幸福 Winning the lottery won’t make you instantly happy

         One of the most surprising findings in recent research shows that a lottery win of £1,000 or more won’t immediately make you happy. Instead, it takes two years before winners enjoy their money. This is in stark contrast to the effect of earned incomes on happiness: an increase in salary often leads to some immediate improvement (again, not as much as one would think) in a person’s happiness. But why does the joy from a lottery win take two years to arrive? One hypothesis is that, while traditional economic theories typically assume that a pound is a pound is a pound, the reality is that one pound won is not the same as one pound earned.
          From new research on “lagged deservingness” among lottery winners that I undertook with economists Andrew Oswald and Rainer Winkelmann, earned income is regarded as money that is intrinsically deserved. Lottery income isn’t. The winner doesn’t immediately think that she is fully deserving of the money because winning the lottery creates a form of unwanted cognitive dissonance – the process associated with holding two contradictory ideas in one’s head. The winner thinks: “I’m happy about the money, but I’m not sure whether I’m really entitled to it.” Through time, however, the lottery winner can persuade herself that she deserves the money. Empirically speaking, this slow erosion of cognitive dissonance takes approximately two years to complete. Interestingly, we also found in our study that people weigh differently the various incomes that accrue to them: gift income and inheritance income are viewed in a very different way to wage income and lottery income.
        我与经济学家安德鲁•奥斯瓦尔德(Andrew Oswald)和雷纳•温克尔曼(Rainer Winkelmann)在彩票中奖者中,对“滞后应得感”进行了新的研究。研究发现,挣得的收入被认为是本质上应得的,中奖得到的钱则不是。中奖者不会立刻认为这些钱是自己完全应得的,因为中奖会造成一种不必要的认知偏差——一个人头脑中存在两种矛盾想法的过程。中奖者认为:“这钱让我开心,但我不确信自己是否真的有权使用它们”。然而,随着时间的流逝,中奖者可以说服自己,让自己认为这钱是自己应得的。凭经验而论,认知偏差的逐步消失大约需要2年时间。有趣的是,我们在研究中还发现,在人们的心目中,通过不同方式获得的收入份量不同:人们对获赠和继承收入的看法,与对工资与中奖收入的看法截然不同。
       A pound is not just a pound.


秘诀4:失业也无妨 Losing your job makes you unhappy – but less so when others have too

      Losing your job is one of life’s most miserable experiences – more so than getting a divorce. One reason for this is obvious: unemployment removes a constant stream of income. Even so, the unemployed also report substantially lower levels of happiness relative to those who are employed but have the same income. The psychic cost of unemployment can in part be explained by the social stigma and loss of self-esteem job loss entails.
        There is a flipside to this, though. While unemployment lowers well-being for both the unemployed and the employed (perhaps by creating expectations of job loss), its effect on those already unemployed is notably reduced when a lot of other people – colleagues, neighbours, people living in the same region or even in the same household – are also unemployed.
        The reason is simple, argues the economist Andrew Clark of the Paris School of Economics. Where being unemployed is the norm, the impact on your reputation caused by job loss is lessened. In other words, it feels relatively OK to be unemployed when a lot of others are also unemployed.
        巴黎经济学院(Paris School of Economics)的经济学家安德鲁•克拉克(Andrew Clark)认为,理由十分简单。当失业成为司空见惯的事情,丢掉工作对于声誉的损害就会降低。换言之,如果其他很多人也失去工作,自己失业时的感觉就会相对“好”一些。
        In fact, the well-being gap between the employed and the unemployed actually ceases to exist if the unemployment rate is high enough. Average happiness is typically lower in high-unemployment areas relative to low-unemployment areas. Yet, in the UK this happiness gap disappears completely when the average regional unemployment rate tops 20 per cent. Bad things don’t seem so bad when you’re not alone in experiencing them.


秘诀5:想幸福?找个胖朋友吧! Fat friends make you happier than thin ones

       New evidence in economics and epidemiology seems to suggest that we care about other people’s weight as much as we do our own. It’s always more desirable to be slim – perhaps because it offers a better chance of finding a person to date or marry, or even faster job promotion. However, when the people we normally compare ourselves with become fatter, the cost of putting on weight for many of us reduces. Put simply, when other people around me become fatter, I don’t have to compete so much with them to stay slim.

        According to research conducted by economists David G. Blanchflower, Andrew Oswald and Bert Van Landeghem, people with weight problems – those with a body mass index (BMI) of 30 or over – are significantly unhappier than people within a healthy weight range (BMI 18.5–25). However, the overweight tend to report higher levels of happiness when other people of the same age and gender are as heavy or heavier than they are. The same also goes for individuals who live in the same household: our own weight doesn’t bother us as much, that is, when our partner is also putting on weight.
        经济学家戴维•G•布兰奇弗劳尔(David G. Blanchflower)、安德鲁•奥斯瓦德(Andrew Oswald)和贝尔特•范兰德赫姆(Bert Van Landeghem)进行的一项研究显示,与体重在健康范围内的人(BMI体重指数在18.5至25之间)相比,存在体重问题的人(BMI指数在30或以上)明显更不快乐。然而,当看到其他同性别的同龄人与自己一样重,甚至更重时,肥胖人群的幸福感往往会更强烈。这也适用于同一家庭内的不同个体:当伴侣的体重也在增加时,自己的体重就不那么烦人了。

       This positive relationship between our happiness and other people’s weight provides a good psychological explanation for the current obesity epidemic in the west. It’s psychologically easier for us to accept being overweight when everyone else is also overweight – assuming, of course, that most of us enjoy food a lot more than dieting.


秘诀6:离婚让人幸福? Divorce can make you happy

       At any given point in time, those who are divorced tend to report, on average, significantly lower levels of happiness than people who are married. While this result is probably unsurprising to many people, such cross-sectional comparisons between two groups of individuals at the same point in time can often lead to severely misleading conclusions – in this case, that divorce makes people unhappy.
       For one thing, the choice to dissolve a marriage is a rare decision for any individual to take, and one that’s unlikely to have been made entirely on a whim. One could even argue that divorce must make people happy given that one would only go through with it if the benefits of doing so outweighed the costs. This leads to an important question: what happens to people’s happiness in the periods before and after divorce?
       According to the psychologist Ed Diener, the worst moment for men is the year preceding the divorce. By contrast, the worst moment for women is two years before the divorce, with their happiness on the verge of bouncing back the year preceding the split. This pattern probably reflects the fact that the majority of divorces are initiated by the wife.
        根据心理学家埃德•迪耶内(Ed Diener)的说法,对男人来说,最糟糕的时期是离婚前一年;而对女人来说,最糟糕时期是离婚前两年,在离婚前一年,她们的幸福感即将反弹。这种规律可能反映出绝大多数离婚是妻子主动的事实。
        After a divorce, it then takes approximately two years for men and three years for women for the effect of the break-up on happiness to become positive and stay positive. In other words, it seems that divorcing couples often become significantly happier with their lives by breaking up.


秘诀7:幸福可以传染? Happiness is contagious

         There are many benefits to being happy. Happier people tend to be healthier, live longer and earn more. They also tend to volunteer more, be better at relationships and smile more of what psychologists call “Duchenne” or genuine smiles. Less well understood is why happiness is contagious.
         幸福有许多好处。更幸福的人往往更健康、更长寿、挣得更多。他们通常也会从事更多的志愿工作、更善于处理人际关系、发出更多心理学家所说的“杜兴微笑”(Duchenne smile),即真诚的微笑。让人不太理解的是,为什么幸福可以传染。
       According to James Fowler and Nicholas Christakis, authors of the international bestseller Connected, people surrounded by many happy friends, family members and neighbours who are central to their social network become significantly happier in the future. More specifically, they say we will become 25 per cent happier with our life if a friend who lives within a mile of us becomes significantly happier with his or her life.
       全球畅销书Connected的作者詹姆斯•福勒(James Fowler)和尼古拉斯•克里斯塔基斯(Nicholas Christakis)发现,如果你身边那些人际网络中重要的朋友、家人与邻居,有许多都很幸福,那么你将来也会幸福很多。他们表示,更准确地说,如果居住在离你1英里内的一个朋友生活幸福感得到显著提升,你的生活幸福感就会增加25%。
       Similar effects are seen in co-resident spouses (8 per cent happier); siblings who live within a mile of each other (14 per cent); and next-door neighbours (34 per cent). What this implies is that the magnitude of happiness spread seems to depend more on frequent social contact (due to physical proximity) than on deep social connections. Alas, for some reason this doesn’t translate to the workplace.
      So, why is happiness contagious? One reason may be that happy people share their good fortune with their friends and family (for example, by being pragmatically helpful or financially generous). Another reason could be that happy people tend to change their behaviour for the better by being nicer or less hostile to those close to them. Or it could just be that positive emotions are highly contagious.