Magical types like dwarves, pixies and Nicolas Sarkozy are all rejoicing after hearing the news that “meels” (man heels) are this summer’s hottest look. The blog Refinery29.com recently ran a rather wonderful photo story on men in heels with street-style pictures from fashion week season, including one of a guy hailing a taxi outside the Rodarte show wearing a pair of stupendous1 boots with a platform sole and a gravitydefying non-heel.
Of course, if you’re really into fashion and decide to do some research, you won’t have to pore over dusty library books for long before you find mention of men and heels. Renaissance man liked to don a stacked heel2 along with his powdered wig and beauty spot, and Wikipedia reliably informs us that Mongolian horsemen were among the first to use heels as means to keep their feet from sliding out of their stirrups, which is probably the only time you’ll hear high heels referred to as practical.
More recently, in the wake of the French president’s visit to Britain back in 2008, Selfridges noted a rise in popularity of stacked heels. The store’s head of menswear, David Walker-Smith, said that formerly Cuban heels3 or cowboy boots were favoured as casualwear with jeans, but “now the pinstriped businessman wants to up his game by adding to his height.” Shoe brands such as Jeffrey West and Patrick Cox provide heels of up to 5cm instead of the customary 1.5cm.
近一点来说,随着法国总统萨科奇在2008 年访英,英国塞尔福里奇连锁百货公司注意到叠跟鞋的销量见长。这家百货商店的男装主管戴维·沃克- 史密斯说,以前,古巴式鞋跟半高跟鞋或牛仔靴是作为休闲鞋来与牛仔裤搭配,不过“现在成为穿细条纹西服的商人通过增加高度而提升形象的工具。”杰弗里·韦斯特和帕特里克·考克斯等品牌都有5 厘米的鞋跟,而不是普通的1.5 厘米。
Our number one fanciable man in heels is Vince Noir, the character played by Noel Fielding in the Mighty Boosh . Vince can often be seen sporting rather fabulous platform boots. In fact, just the other day people spotted Fielding channelling Vince in a boiler suit and platforms. He had a very attractive young lady on his arm, so the boots are obviously working for him.