导读:有人说,互联网的普及让人更方便自恋。这话不假—— 拿起身边的手机、相机、摄像头,每个人都可以将自己的自拍(self portrait)照发到网上及时和好友分享。那么,如何打造明星般超人气的自拍照呢?应该避免哪些最俗气老套的拍照表情和pose?
The study found that men and women want different things when it comes to online photos。
Men tend to respond to photos in which the woman is at home, looking a little come-hither, rather than to photos taken with friends while out partying or on a trip。
Ye Zhou, a 24-year-old veteran to social networking, said this was because photos taken at home show the less-crazy and less-wild side of a girl - instead suggesting commitment。
But women seem to have a different take. "It kind of implies that men still want to keep women in the house," said Wang Congcong, a 23-year-old assistant editor in Beijing。
Ironically, women demand no less in men's photos. They want man to look off-camera and not directly into the lens. Looking away, they say, implies a model, sexy, brooding type。
"They want a man who is thoughtful," explained psychiatrist Dr Gary Malone in an interview with 33 News in the US. "They want a man who is maybe a little mysterious and alluring. A man who's more introspective."
“她们喜欢有思想的男人,”心理咨询师加里·马龙在接受美国33 News采访时表示。“她们喜欢有点儿神秘,充满诱惑力,更加内省的男人。”
peace sign/ victory sign 剪刀手
资料图:peace sign/ victory sign 剪刀手
The problem with the peace sign is that, for the most part, everyone is standing around symbolizing instead of getting out and doing. If you want peace, make it happen - don't just symbolize it。
[注释: 拍照时用滥了的“胜利手势”在英语中除了叫 victory sign 也叫做 peace sign,因为该手势在上世纪六十年代曾是和平的象征。不过,做这个手势时记住要把手心朝外噢,在英国尤其要注意这点,因为在英联邦大多数国家,做手背朝外的“V”形手势是表示让人“滚蛋”(fuck off)。]
[page]3[/page]资料图:duck face/puckered lips 嘟嘟嘴
Half pout, half grimace, and completely stupid. Please, young women, smile or simper or smirk or grin, glower or glare, or just mope about if you like, but for the love of God, please put away the duck face。
[注释: 由于嘴撅起来的样子很像鸭子嘴,所以英语中常把这种表情称为 duck face。也有一部分人把它为 kissy face。]