Palazzo Versace, Queensland, Australia
With its grand columns, ornate ceilings, Italian mosaics and a dazzling 750kg chandelier in the lobby, stepping into the 205-room Palazzo Versace – by Donatella Versace– is like entering a Renaissance palace. Rooms are stuffed with lavish furnishings, some have en suite spas. There’s a Versace boutique, naturally.
大厅里有宏伟的立柱、装饰华丽的天花板、意大利式马赛克和一盏炫目的750 公斤重的枝形吊灯,步入这个由多娜泰拉·范思哲建造的拥有205 个房间的范思哲酒店,就像步入了一个文艺复兴时期的宫殿。房间里到处都是奢华的家具,一些套房还带有温泉。自然,也开设了范思哲品牌的精品店。
The Morrison Hotel, Dublin
Created by Irish designer John Rocha, this is one of the hippest hotels in town. Minimalism is definitely the style – the 138 rooms have dark teak floors, cream walls, black leather sofas and bold velvet throws. The dramatic atrium-style restaurant, Halo, is one of the most talked about in Dublin.
由爱尔兰设计师约翰·罗查设计的莫里森酒店是都柏林最时髦的酒店之一。简约主义绝对是这个酒店的风格——138 个房间都铺设了深色柚木地板,墙壁都漆成淡黄色,都有黑色真皮沙发和醒目的天鹅绒薄毯。令人印象深刻的中庭风格的餐厅“光环”在都柏林是最常被谈起的餐厅之一。
[page]3[/page]The Pelican, Miami
Cool, zany and so over-the-top, the Pelican is owned by the Diesel jeans company. All 30 bedrooms are humorously themed, with names such as “Me Tarzan, You Vain” and “Best Whorehouse”, and filled with eclectic10 furnishings from flea markets and antique stores.
隶属迪赛牛仔时装公司的佩利肯酒店标新立异、风格夸张,但又趣味盎然。30 个卧室全部都用幽默的主题命名,比如“我是人猿泰山,你不要白费功夫”和“最好的妓院”。房间里摆满了从跳蚤市场和古董商店“淘”来的各式各样的家具。
[page]4[/page]Hotel Du Petit Moulin, Paris
French designer Christian Lacroix transformed this former bakery into one of the city’s hippest hotels. The 17 rooms are all individually designed; one room mimics a dressmaker’s atelier with Lacroix’s sketches mounted on the walls, while others are themed around 1960s pop art.
法国设计师克里斯汀·拉克鲁瓦将这个以前是面包店的地方变成了这个城市最时髦的酒店之一。17 个房间全都独立设计,其中一个房间模仿的是裁缝的工作间,墙上挂着拉克鲁瓦绘制的速写,而其他房间则围绕着20 世纪60 年代的波普艺术命名。
[page]5[/page]Armani Hotel, Dubai
Scheduled to open early next year, the 175-room Armani Hotel Dubai is in the Burj Dubai destined to be the tallest tower in the world when complete. Giorgio Armani will oversee all aspects of content, design and style, so you can expect plenty of bold geometric patterns and sculpted wooden furniture. It will also feature a spa, two restaurants and a nightclub.
定于明年初开业,这个有175 个房间的迪拜阿玛尼酒店栖身于迪拜塔,该大厦注定在完工时会成为世界最高楼。乔治·阿玛尼负责项目、设计、风格的方方面面,所以你将有望看到许多夸张的几何图案和雕刻的木制家具。此外,还有一个温泉疗养地、两家餐厅和一家夜总会。