Low Ponytail
Slick back unruly hair with a pomade and gather it at the nape using two elastics for support. Then divide the tail into three sections and wind each around a curling iron.Drag fingers through the ringlets for a lived-in look.
Beachy Waves
Saturate the ends of air-dried hair with a beach spray.Then twirl 2-inch sections into tight twists and blast with a blow-dryer for five seconds.Scrunch the ends, and make a jagged, slightly offcenter part.
[page]Messy Bun
Using a one-inch curling iron,curl your entire head of hair, twirling the iron just halfway up the hair shaft. Then pull back hair into a low ponytail. Twist and pin different sections of hair into the base of the ponytail, creating a messytextured bun.
用一英寸粗细的卷发棒卷你的全部头发, 在发干的中间处旋转卷发棒。然后将头发捋到后面, 扎一个低马尾。各个部位的头发都要卷到并固定在马尾的根部,形成一个带有凌乱感的发髻。
[page]Double Braid
Part hair down the middle,French braid both sides, and twist the ends into a low bun. Embrace flyaways: They keep the style from looking princessy.
1. bun /bVn/ n . ( 盘在后脑的) 圆发髻。
2. pomade /po`med/ n . 发膏,发蜡。
3. nape /nep/ n . 颈背,后颈。
4. elastic /I`lAstIk/ n . 橡皮圈。
5. curling iron: 卷发棒。
6. ringlet /`rI9lIt/ n . ( 毛发的) 一小卷,( 尤指下垂的) 长卷发。
7. saturate /`sA7E,ret/ v . 浸透,使湿透。
8. beach spray: 头发接触海水后,会留下一些盐分,使头发具有竖立的效果,这种喷雾喷了以后就会让你的头发具有这种效果。
9. scrunch /skrVn7/ v . 揉皱。
10. hair shaft: 发干,即毛发的可见部分,由角化细胞构成。
11. pin /pIn/ v . 别住,固定住。