Perform Balance and Coordination Exercises. Physical fitness is extremely important to the mind and the body’s capability of continued strain in other situations. .
Begin Learning a new language. You may uncover a new interest for intercultural relations and your left temporal lobe will love you.
Start a Blog. It costs nothing, you learn a new skill and your write…a lot.
[page]Learn a New Trick. Get different, unused parts of your brain thinking by learning a short trick. Here are two of my favorites both by Tim Ferriss… pen trick and fork.
4.学会一个新的小把戏。学习简短的小把戏可以让你大脑被闲置的部分得到锻炼。这里给大家推荐两个我最喜欢的小把戏,都是从Tim Ferriss那里学来的:笔和尺子。
[page]Sit Still and Breathe. Relax your mind for 10 minutes so it can regain it’s strength. Sit with eyes closed and in silence. This may be tougher than you think.
[page]Break A Routine. If you always write or eat with your left hand, start doing it with the other. Simple, tough and effective.
Buy a Rubix Cube. This will be frustrating and fun. If this is too difficult, check out other mind challenging games in the toy section of a local department store to enjoy this mind challenge.