英语听力汇总   |   英语四级翻译每日练习精选内容:舞狮








舞狮(lion dance)是一种由一人或两人身披狮型服装(lioncostume)进行表演的民间表演艺术。据记载,舞狮有两千多年的悠久历史,在唐朝时被引入皇室,成为皇室的娱乐项目。舞狮最注重的是技巧,舞狮者要以夸张的方式模仿狮子的各种表情和动作。经过几千年的发展,舞狮已经在各地形成了不同的表演特色。在中国的传统风俗中,狮子是一种可以去除灾难、带来幸运的吉祥物(mascot)。因此,每逢节日或隆重的庆典,人们都以舞狮来营造欢乐和热闹的气氛。


Lion dance is a folk performance art where one or two performers, clad in lion costumes, perform. According to records, lion dance boasts a long history of over two thousand years and was introduced into the imperial court during the Tang Dynasty, becoming an entertainment for the royalty. The utmost emphasis in lion dance is placed on skill, with performers mimicking various expressions and movements of lions in an exaggerated manner. Over the course of several thousand years of development, lion dance has evolved distinct performance characteristics in various regions. In traditional Chinese customs, the lion is considered a mascot that can ward off disasters and bring good luck. Therefore, during festivals or grand celebrations, people often perform lion dances to create a joyful and lively atmosphere.


Lion dance:舞狮,这是整个句子的主题,也是中国传统文化中的一个重要元素。

folk performance art:民间表演艺术,指那些源自民间、具有浓厚地域文化特色的表演形式。

clad in lion costumes:身披狮型服装,这里用“clad in”表示“穿着”的意思,更加正式和书面化。

boasts a long history of over two thousand years:有两千多年的悠久历史,用“boasts”表示“拥有(某种特质或优势)”,更加生动和形象。

utmost emphasis:最注重的,这里用“utmost”表示“最大程度的”,强调舞狮中技巧的重要性。

mimicking various expressions and movements:模仿各种表情和动作,这里用“mimicking”表示“模仿”的意思,更加准确和生动。

evolved distinct performance characteristics:形成了不同的表演特色,这里用“evolved”表示“发展、演变”的意思,同时用“distinct”表示“独特的”。

ward off disasters and bring good luck:去除灾难、带来幸运,这里用“ward off”表示“避开、防止”的意思,同时用“bring good luck”表示“带来好运”的意思。

grand celebrations:隆重的庆典,这里用“grand”表示“盛大的、隆重的”的意思,修饰“celebrations”以强调其规模和重要性。
