First, the Renaissance encompassed impressive new achievements in literature, art, science, philosophy, education, and religion. Although the foundations of these cultural forms originated from classicism, they soon flourished and broke away from the influence of Greece and Rome. In fact, many achievements in painting, science, politics, and religion had little to do with the classical cultural heritage. Secondly, the Renaissance embodied many distinct views and attitudes, giving the society in which it flourished a unique flavor. Among them, notable are optimism and individualism, but above all, humanism holds the utmost importance. In its broadest sense, humanism can be defined as the emphasis on the value of human beings. This term originated from Cicero, who used it to express his dedication to liberal arts or themes that are most consistent with human dignity. Humanists opposed scholastic philosophers who indulged in theology and logic all day long, and they strove to create a smooth and graceful form that pays more attention to the beauty and irrationality within human nature.
“自由艺术”的翻译:“自由艺术”在这里指的是“liberal arts”,即非职业或专业性的学问,包括文学、历史、哲学等,旨在培养人的心智和素养。
句子结构:原文的“首先,...”和“其次,...”两个并列句在英文中保持了相同的结构,使用了“First, ...”和“Secondly, ...”进行连接,使得整段话的逻辑更加清晰。同时,英文句子在表达时更注重使用从句和分词短语,使得句子结构更加紧凑和丰富。
词汇选择:在翻译过程中,译者选择了恰当的词汇来表达原文的含义。例如,“成就”被翻译为“achievements”,“繁荣”被翻译为“flourished”,“独特”被翻译为“unique”,“乐观主义”被翻译为“optimism”,“个人主义”被翻译为“individualism”,“人的价值”被翻译为“the value of human beings”等。这些词汇的选择都准确地传达了原文的意思。