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英语四级翻译重在日常积累,绝不是一朝一夕就能拿高分的,以下是小编整理的关于英语四级翻译每日一练 230的资料,希望对你有所帮助。


中国拥有全球第二大贫困人口量,仅次于印度。尽管中国的整体生活水平正在提高,但是农村地区和大城市,东部沿海地区和内陆地区(inland area)的差距仍然非常大。中国是发展最不均衡的亚洲国家之一。虽然大多数中国人觉得他们比自己的父母有更高的生活水平,但越来越多的人对不平等、腐败和消费者权益保护的问题表示担忧。对于这些问题,中国正在坚持不懈地努力解决,以减小贫富差距。

China has the second largest number of poor people in the world, only after India.Although the overall living standard in China is rising, the gaps between rural areas and metropolises, and the coastal area in East China and inland area remain strikingly obvious.China is one of the most unevenly developing countries in Asia.Although the majority of Chinese feel that they have a higher living standard than their parents,there are rising concerns over inequality,corruption,and consumer rights protection.China is relentlessly working hard to fix these problems,so as to reduce the gap between the rich and the poor.

1.生活水平:可翻译为living standard。
2.东部沿海地区:可翻译为the coastal area in East China。
3.内陆地区:可翻译为inland area。
4.越来越多的人对不平等、腐败和消费者权益保护的问题表示担忧:“不平等” 可用inequality表达;“腐败”可翻译为corruption; “消费者权益保护”可翻译为consumer rights protection。