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英语四级翻译重在日常积累,绝不是一朝一夕就能拿高分的,以下是小编整理的关于英语四级翻译每日一练 204的资料,希望对你有所帮助。


有些国家为了处理他们与中国的贸易,建立了专门的机构。CCBC是加中贸易理事会,该机构协助处理两国间的贸易项目。另外一个有此功能的机构是英中贸易协会(the China-Britain Business Council)。该机构设立的目的是协助中英两国间的贸易。同时,中国也帮助国内的年轻人在商业上抢占先机。中国青年创业国际计划旨在帮助年轻人进行创业。另外,中国还发行了一些商业杂志,来帮助中国人跟进国际商业领域的新发展。


Some countries have special organizations set up for dealing with their business with China. CCBC is the Canada China Business Council which helps with the trade between the two countries.Another organization of the same function is the China-Britain Business Council. This organization has been established to facilitate the trade between the UK and China. At the same time, China serves for the young people to grab the favorable business opportunities. Youth Business China aims at helping young people to start a business. China also publishes several business magazines to help the Chinese people to keep track of the development in the international commercial areas.

1.专门的机构:可译为special organization。
2.中国青年创业国际计划旨在帮助年轻人进行创业:“中国青年创业国际计划”是专有名词,译为Youth Business China;“创业”就是“开创一番事业”,因此可译为start a business。
3.跟进国际商业领域的新发展:“跟进”可用keep track of表达,“国际商业领域”可翻译为international commercial areas。