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英语四级翻译重在日常积累,绝不是一朝一夕就能拿高分的,以下是小编整理的关于英语四级翻译每日一练 172的资料,希望对你有所帮助。


中国象棋(Chinese chess)是中国宝贵的文化遗产之一,它是中国古代智慧的结晶,下象棋也是一种有助于磨练性格、培养品味的运动。在各种棋盘游戏中, 象棋和围棋(go game)都由古时的宋朝人发明,如今在全国都广受欢迎。象棋是一种双人对弈的战略性棋盘游戏。游戏代表了两军之间的战斗,目标是捕捉敌人的将军。虽然它起源于亚洲,但今天在全球都有中国象棋倶乐部。



The Chinese chess is one of the valuable cultural heritages of China.It is the fruit of Chinese ancient wisdom and playing chess is also a helpful exercise for tempering one's character and cultivating one's taste. Among various kinds of board games, both Chinese chess and go game were invented by ancient people in the Song Dynasty and now enjoy great popularity over the country. Chinese chess is a strategic board game between two players. The game represents a battle between two armies; its object is to capture the enemy's general. Although it has its origin in Asia, the Chinese chess clubs spread all over the world today.


1.它是中国古代智慧的结晶,下象棋也是一种有助于磨练性格、培养品味的运动:该句可整合译为and连接的两个个并列句,即It is the fruit of Chinese ancient wisdom and playing chess is also a helpful exercise for tempering ones character and cultivating one's taste.
2.在全国广受欢迎;“广受欢迎”可择为enjoy great popularity.
3.双人对弈的战略性棋盘游戏:译为a strategic board game between twopalyers,其中“双人对弈”译为介词短语between two players “棋盘游戏”译为 board game ; strategic 意为“战略性的”。
4.虽然它起源于亚洲,仅今天在全球都有中国象祺俱乐部:该句可用让步状语从句进行翻译,由although—用引导。“起源于…”可译为have its origin in…“全球”可译为all over the world。