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英语四级翻译重在日常积累,绝不是一朝一夕就能拿高分的,以下是小编整理的关于英语四级翻译每日一练 162的资料,希望对你有所帮助。


黄帝(Yellow Emperor)被认为是中华文明的奠基人和祖先。他生活在大约4000年前。他是黄河中部流域一个最强部落的神秘首领。在该时期,许多部落在黄河附近定居。部落之间相互征战以获取更多耕地。持续不断的战争给人民带来诸多苦难。黄帝决定结束这种情势。他制定出一套道德规范(ethical code),训练他 的军队。他和他的军队征服了黄河流域的一大片区域,成为了部落联盟(tribal union)的首领。


The Yellow Emperor is considered to be the founder of Chinese civilization as well as its ancestor. He lived about four thousand years ago. He was the mystical chief of one of the strongest tribes in the middle valley of the Yellow River. During this period many tribes came to settle around the Yellow River. They fought with each other to get more farmland. The constant war caused much suffering to the people. The Yellow Emperor decided to put an end to this situation. He worked out an ethical code and trained his army. With his army, the Yellow Emperor conquered a wide area along the Yellow River. He was made chief of the tribal union.

来源:可可英语 https://www.kekenet.com/menu/201406/303197.shtml

1.被认为是中华文明的奠基人和祖先:“被认为是”可译为be considered to be; “奠基人”可翻译为founder; “祖先”可翻译为ancestor。
3.决定结束这种情势:“决定”可用decide表示;“结束”可译为put an end to。
4.他制定出一套道德规范,训练他的军队:“制定出”可译为work out; “道德规范”可译为ethical code。

来源:可可英语 https://www.kekenet.com/menu/201406/303197.shtml