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英语四级翻译重在日常积累,绝不是一朝一夕就能拿高分的,以下是小编整理的关于英语四级翻译每日一练 144的资料,希望对你有所帮助。




The legend of Chinese New Year began in a small village thousands of years ago.Each winter a monster named Nian would enter the village and attack the villagers.The villagers were scared.They didn't know what to do.Afterwards a wise old man came up with an idea.The next time Nian appeared the people used fireworks and drums to make a lot of noises.Sure enough,these noises scared the monster away and it fled into the hills.The villagers celebrated the day when they freed themselves from the monster.Each year they would light the fireworks and celebrate their victory.This day became the start of the Chinese new year.

内容来自:可可英语 https://www.kekenet.com/menu/201405/295269.shtml

1.每年冬天,一个叫年的怪兽都会尽村子攻击村民。“攻击”可译为attack;该句主语为a monster,谓语为两个动作,即“进村子”和“攻击村民”,可用enter和attack表达,用and连接。

2.后来,一位年长的智者想出了一个办法。“想出”可用come up with表示,该句为简单句,故连接词“后来”可译为afterwards。

3.这些噪音果然把年给下铺了,年躲进了山里。“果然”可译为sure enough;“躲”可用flee表达。

内容来自:可可英语 https://www.kekenet.com/menu/201405/295269.shtml