英语听力汇总   |   2023年6月大学英语四级阅读真题以及答案(三)







Section A

Directions:In this section,there is a possage with ten blanks.You are required to select one word for each blank froma list of choicesgiven in a word bank following the pasage.Read the pasage through carefully before making your choices.Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter.Please mark the coresponding letter for each item on Answer Sheet 2 with a sngle line through the centre.You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.

Whether you're just having a down day or a down period,takinga walk can instantly lift your mood, especially  when you go outdoors.Not only can walking make you less depressed,but according to anew study,depression sufferers who took a  26  walk showed just as much improvement in their  27  as people taking medicine.In  fact,60-70 percent of the participants in the study could no longer even be  28  as depressed.

Bone density may not be one of the most exciting health benefits of walking,but it's an important one.People  with stronger bones avoid osteoporosis(骨质疏松症)and all the problems that  29  with it,like breaks andother disabilities.And the best way to get strong,healthy bones is by doing weight-bearing exercises like running,dancing and walking,according to a large study.But as regards bones,it's  30  use it or lose it:To keep your bones strong you have to keep exercising.The researchers found that adults who walked regularly had better bone density throughout their lives than their  31  friends.

Taking a walk can be great for  32  your head or blowing off some steam.It also provides a great opportunity to  33  with friends and family,far away from electronics and other  34  at home.Even better,you set a powerful example because when they see you  35  the benefits of walking,they'll be encouraged to walk more,too

A)accompany      I)distractions

B)approved       J)exchusively

C)bond          K)inactive

D)classified      L)occurrences

E)clearing       M)reaping

F)come          N)symptoms

G)daily         O)typical


Section B

Directions;In this section,you are going to read a passage with ten statements attached to it.Each statement  contains information given in one of the paragraphs.Identify the paragraph from which the information is  derived.You may choose a paragraphmore than once.Fach paragraph is marked with a letter.Answer the questions  bymarking the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2.

A Cub Where Lions Dance and Traditions Take Root

A)The first thing you notice in the staircase to the fourth-floor studio on Canal Street in Manhattan,New York,is the measured thumping(嘭嘭声 )coming from behind a metal door.Just beyond the entrance,large lion masks were twisting and turning to the drum-beat.On a recent Friday evening,the teenagers made their way across the  studio floor as they practiced Chinese lion dancing.

B)“You want toplay in a circle,”Victor Fong,aged24,told his students at the New York Chinese Freemasons  Athletic Club.“Take it slow and do it again.”The dance group,made up of 60 members,performs throughout the  year but was now preparing for its biggest events,Chinese Lunar New Year celebrations,which will begin on Saturday and conclude on February 15.Teenagers comprise about half of the group,many of whom began lion  dancing at the age of 14.About 100 current and past members of the dance group—which has been performing  since 1956—will be among the 220 groups marching through Chinatown in Manhattan for the 18th Lunar New Year  Parade on February 5.

C)Mr.Fong has been involved in the organization since he was 15 and began teaching lion dancing three years ago.But theclub also actsas a recreation center and safe haven(庇护所)for teenagers,with video games readily  available.As many as 20 students show up after school.“The basic requirement for hanging out here is you have to learn how to lion dance,”Mr.Fong said.While thatis not a formal requirement for being a member,everyone finds a way to participae in the Lunar New Year Parade,whether it's by dancing,carrying a flag or beating a  drum.

D)Alvin Chau,aged 26,is an environmental consultant by day and a lion dancer on weekends.He has been a club member for 10 years and joined because of an interest in lion dance.“We're a big family,”he said,shaking  hands with other members as they walked through the door.“You know everyone.”

E)It is believed that the lion dance began in the third century.Stories vary about how lion dancing came to be,but most of them includea monster named Nian who would terrorize a village.The villagers finally banded together and scared the beast away with firecrackers(爆竹)and drums.While lions are not native to China,some versions of the story include the villagers creating a monster of their own in the shape of a lion to fight  off the beast.

F)Today,thedancers travel across Chinatown going from business to business to bring good luck for the coming year.The new year—-according to the Chinese lunar calendar—will begin on Saturday and marks the Year of the Rooster(鸡年),which is thought to be a symbol of positivity.“It's almost like the dark night is ending and the sun is coming up,”said Ya Yung Teng,the digital collections coordinator for the Museum of Chinesein America.“It's hopeful thatwe're going to have a new day. Roosters and chickens are not particularly strongcreatures,Ms.Teng said,but they are numerous.“In a way,“she said,the rooster“stands for'We the People.”

G)The lion head andtail are operated by two people.As one person controls the head,asecond follows under a train of fabric representing the body.The dancers move in harmony as they imitate the animal'snaturalmovements  in the wild,including the aggressiveness of an attack.A lion head figure weighs under 10 pounds and sits  squarely on the dancer's shoulders.Inside,the dancer manipulates strings that open andclose the lion'seyes,shake its ears and open its mouth toreveal a fire-orange tongue.

H)“A good lion dancer will imitate a living creature,”said Karlin Chan,aged 59,who heads the athletic club's community public relations.“Istarted lion dancing when I was a kid,”he said.“Chinatown was much smaller then and it was a celebration with fireworks and firecrackers,which added a lot of flavor andmeaning to it.”

I)Mr.Chan buys a new lion head each year when he travels to China.A head costs about $1,500.“If you want the good stuff,thequality,you have to see it for yourself,”hesaid.“I'll inspect the product before we put it in the container and ship it over.”Mr.Chan,who has been involved with the club for nearly 50 years,said that passing the dance from one generation to the next was vital.“You need to pass on the traditions and the culture,and this is a part of our culture,”he said.“It's a great way to promote cultural understanding and exchange;we welcome that."

J)For Sara Pore,aged 17,another club member,lion dance is more than just tradition;it provides a creative outlet.“Lion dancing started 2,000 years ago—that's incredible,”she said.“But what makes you a competent lion dancer is that there's a sense of imagination involved.Lion dancing teaches competence in leadershipbecause of this.You're constantly forced to push yourself past yourlimit.”

K)Back at rehearsal(排练),Justin Le,aged18,tied a red ribbon around hiswaist to practice jumping.The dancers usethe ribbons to pull themselves up over their partners'heads.The room's ceilings are toolow to wear thelion heads for jumping practice,so onceup on his partner's head,Mr.Le held out his arms as if in offering

L)Mr.Lecomes by the dance as a legacy(传承) “I was born into it,”Mr.Le said,noting that his uncle and father were clubmembers.“Growingup,I would always watch my family andsee the lion dance,and Islowly grew interested in it.”By the age of 14,he wasfully enrolled in the athletic club's lion dance group.“I value my culture and tradition,being Chinese or Asian-American.I have a lot of pride in that,”he said.“I want to contribute and give back to the community.”

36.The lion dancers perform from door to door to bring New Year wishes to business people.

37.The New York dance club also serves as a place for entertainment where youngsters can enjoy themselves safely.

38.Lion dancers need to have a little imagination to performwell.

39.There are a number of different versions about the origin of the liondance.

40.Some 50%of the members of a New York lion dance club are teenagers.

41.One club member says he feels proud of his cultural tradition.

42.Two dancers coordinate their movements,one manipulating the lion's head and the other its body. 

43.One lion dancer comparestheir New York dance club toa family

44.Lion dance should be handed down tofuture generationsas part of Chinese culture. 

45.One lion dancer learned how to perform from his elders.

Section C

Directions: There are 2 passages in this section.Fach passage is followed by some questions or unjinished statements.For each of them there are four choices marked A),B),C)and D).You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.

Passage One

Questions 46 to 50 are based on the following passage.

Team-building exercises have become popular for managers trying to increase organisational and team harmony and productivity.Unfortunately many employees resent compulsory bonding and often regard these exercisesas a nuisance.

A paper published this week by University of Sydney researchers in Social Networks has reported participants'feelings about team-building interventions(干预) ,revealing ethical implications in forcing employees to take part.

“Many people see tean-building activities as a waste of time,so we decided to look in more depth at what's behind this,”saidthe paper's lead researcher,Dr Peter Matous.

“Teams are formed,combined and restructured.Staff are relocated and office spaces redesigned.All this is done with the aim of improving workplace efficiency,collaboration and cohesion.But does any of this work?”said Dr Matous.

The study found that team-building exercises which focused on the sharing of and intervening into personal attitudes and relationships between team members were considered too heavy-handed and intrusive,although    the researchers say some degree of openness and vulnerability is often necessary to make deep,effective connections with colleagues.

“Some participants were against team-building exercises because they were implicitly compulsory.They    didn't welcome management's interest in their lives beyond their direct work performance,”said Matous.“Manypeopledon't want tobe forced into having fun or making friends,especially not on top of their busy  jobs.They feel management is being too nosy or trying to control their lives too much.”

In this study the researchers recommended a self-disclosure(表露)approach where participantswere guided through a series of questions that allowedthem to increasingly disclose personal information and values.The method is well-tested and has been shown to increase interpersonal closeness.However,to be successful it must be voluntary.

The researchers said there are numerous schools of thought that propose differing psychological methods for strengthening relationships.“With caution,many relational methods to improve teams and organisations can be borrowed from other fields.The question is how to apply them effectivelyto strengthen an entire  collective,which is more than just the sum of individual relationships,”said Dr Matous.

46.Why are many employees opposed to team-building exercises?

A)They considersuch exercises annoying

B)They deem these exercisescounter-productive.

C)They see such exercises as harmful toharmony.

D)They find these exercises too demanding.

47.What did Dr Matous and his team do to find out whether team-building activities would improve productivity?

A)They relocated team leadersand their offices

B)They rearranged the staff and office spaces.

C)They redesigned the staff's work schedules.

D)They reintroduced some cohesive activities.

48.What did the study by Matous'team find about some team-building exercises?

A)They were intended to share personal attitudes and relationships.

B)They implicitly added to the vulnerability of team members.

C)They invariably strengthened connections among colleagues.

D)They were regarded as an intrusion into employees'private lives

49.How can the self-disclosureapproach succeed in increasing interpersonal closeness?

A)By allowing participants freedom to express themselves.

B)By applying it to employees who volunteer to participate.

C)By arranging in proper order the questions participants face.

D)By guiding employees through a series of steps in team building.

50.What does Matous think of the various psychological methods borrowed from other fields for strengthening relationships?

A)They must be used in combination for an entire collectve.

B)They prioritise some psychological aspects over others.

C)They place too much stress on individual relationships.

D)They have to be applied cautiously to be effective.

Passage Two

Questions 51 to 55 are based onthe following passage.

There are close to 58,000 homeless people in Los Angeles county.That's a shocking andtragicnumber for a region that's home to some of the richest peoplein the world.At last,the problembecameso acute—and so visible—that Los Angeles took extraordinary action.The citizens of this county voted in November 2016 and again in March 2017 to raise their own taxes.The purpose of such action is to fund an enormous multibillion-dollar,10-year program of housing and social services for the homeless.

As a result,Los Angeles now has its best chance in decades to combat homelessness.This is an opportunity that surely all can agree must not bewasted.It is neither desirable nor morally acceptable nor practical for this county to tolerate the signsof deprivation more commonly associated with theslums(贫民窟)of Rio de Janiero.

How did we get here?For as long as there are homeless people,there is a tendency to blame the victims  themselves for their condition—to see their failure to thrive as an issue of character,of moral weakness,of  laziness.But contrary to popular belief,the homeless in Los Angeles are not mostly mentally ill or drug    addicted or frightening,althougha sizable minority meet someof those descriptions.Today,a greater and greater proportion of people living on the streets are therebecause of bad luck or a series of mistakes,or because theeconomy forgot them—they lost a job or were evicted(逐出 )or fled an abusive marriagejust as the housing  market was growing increasingly unforgiving.

The challenges are enormous,even if everyone is pulling in the samedirection.That reality was driven home this month by a new Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority report showing that the county's homeless population is growing faster than the supply of new housing.

In the world's richest nation,homelessness on this scale should be shameful and shocking.But most Los Angeles residents are no longer either shocked or shamed.Increasingly,we are uncomfortable,annoyed,disgusted,scared or unaware.Compassion(同情心)is being replaced by resignation. 

51.Why did the citizens of Los Angeles vote to raise their own taxes?

A)To combat the county's homelessness.

B)To reform the county's service system.

C)To fund the development of local infrastructure

D)To narrowthe gap between the rich and the poor.

52.What do people tend to believe about the homeless?

A)They seldom meet the descriptions of homelessness.

B)They are the victins of fast economic development.

C)They are responsible for their own condition.

D)They account for the majority of drug addicts.

53.What is one of the causesfor more and more people in Los Angeles to become homeless? 

A)They find it increasingly difficult to afford a place to live.

B)The divorce rate in the county has been on a steady rise.

C)They have been compelled to take low-paying jobs.

D)The society fails to forgive them for theirmistakes.

54.What dowe learn from the new Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority report?

A)Supplying enough job opportunities for the homeless rernains a challenge.

B)Everyone is pulling in the same direction to solve the bonelessness problem

C)The increase in new housing falls short of the demand of the growing homeless population.

D)Los Angeles'homeless condition is deteriorating fasterthan many people predict. 

55.How do most Los Angeles residents now feel about homelessness?

A)They are increasingly ashamed about its scale.

B)They find it no more scaring than it appears.

C)They are less and less indifferent to it

D)They no longer find it shocking.