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All languages stem from the same source, claim scientists, after tracing origins of speech to sub-Saharan Africa around 150,000 years ago.

Using sophisticated analysis of hundreds of languages, the researchers have managed to trace back their beginnings to the same place and the same time.

They now believe that language may have been one of the "tools" that boosted humanity and led to the colonisation of the whole planet.

"We think that this language was a stepping stone in civilisation which led to better co-ordination and co-operation that might have led us to expand," said Dr Quentin Atkinson, at the University of Auckland and Oxford University.

"It could have also led to competition that would have given us a push."

Dr Atkinson analysed 504 languages to see how many phonemes – particular sounds – they contained.

To his surprise he found a direct correlation between the age of the civilisation and the number of phonemes in its language.

So while many African languages had more than 100 phonemes, Hawaiian language had as few as 13. English, French and German had about 45 each.

The analysis, which used the World Atlas of Language Structure as the main resource, relies on the theory that older civilisations have picked up more linguistic diversity as they age – from genes to language.

It then used this to extrapolate back the origins of language to Africa.

It pinpointed the time as around 150,000 years ago as this was when cave art – one of the earliest forms of communication – began.

It is thought that early man then left Africa around 80,000 years go – taking with him some of the diversification but not all of it.

In general, the areas of the globe that were most recently colonised incorporate fewer phonemes into the local languages whereas the areas that have hosted human life for millennia still use the most phonemes, the report concluded.

"The evidence suggests that there was a single origin of language rather than a number that happened independently," said Dr Atkinson.

"I was pretty surprised."

The research is published in the journal Science.







stem from  来源,源自于;某事由……导致


trace back   追溯

co-ordination  n. 协调co-operation  n. 合作  correlation  n. 相互联系

我们可以看到这几个词前面都有字母co,这里co就是前缀,它表示一起、共同、相互,联合,同类型的词还有coincide  一致、符合  coordinate  协调。



对于很专业的学术名我们不需要了解太多,这些一般不会成为出题点,而对于上文中colonisation、phoneme等这类词,可以先看单词结构,如colonisation这个词,它的前半部分跟colony 殖民地这个词很像,再联想这篇文章提到非洲,极有可能跟殖民有关,而tion这个后缀一般表示名词,由此我们可以猜测colonisation这个词表示殖民,再结合整句话理解可以确定该词的意思就是殖民、殖民地化。

第二种理解单词意思的方法就是结合上下文意思猜测,比如文中提到phoneme这个词时后面用破折号加了注解particular sounds,说话时发出的特殊声音,对语言学稍有了解的同学可能会想到“音素”这一专有名词,即使不知道这个名词的中文翻译,至少我们了解了它的意思。






