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  例如2016年10月22日的考题:Some believe that young people should do various activities while others believe that they should focus on one activity that is important to them. Which one do you think is better and why?

  又例如官方题库中的一道经典题目:Some universities require students to take classes in many subjects. Other universities require students to specialize in one subject. Which is better?Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

  笔者认为对这类涉及到“泛OR专”、“广OR深”话题的题目,采用支持“广泛涉猎、综合发展(dabble in multifarious bodies of knowledge in order to develop into a well——rounded person)”的立场是更好驾驭且更符合大众的价值观取向的。



  School is a path to convergence in most cases. You start out broad and end at a point, from kindergarten where you’re learning multiple subjects to a PhD where you’re expected to master the most specific area of one topic.

  However,as elegantly concluded by Abraham Maslow,“if all you have is a hammer,everything looks like a nail,” a depth of knowledge can narrow one’s focus so much that they approach problem solving in the worst way. Instead of thoroughly breaking down a problem,they make it larger and more complex.



  这里笔者要提醒大家务必要记得Abraham Maslow(one of the most cited American psychologists of the 20th century)!只要遇到物质VS精神的话题,均可以用到他的“马斯洛需求层次理论”(Maslow’s hierarchy of needs)。(譬如能够切入“友谊和人际关系很重要因为人的自我实现取决于它们的前提”这个角度。)


  Oh,did I mention that 知识的“宽”是breadth而不是width哦。

  You always need some of each. Possessing only a depth of knowledge would make you an idiot savant,fantastically capable at one thing and helpless in all other matters.

  Having only a breadth means you know a little about everything, but not enough to be useful at anything. There is a certain amount of depth needed for broad knowledge to be useful.

  If you are trying to push the boundaries of human knowledge, depth is important. It's why PhDs can be very specific. You need to know nearly everything about a very specific topic. However,breadth is still useful,as it can let you draw on ideas from other areas.

  Breadth of understanding is an expression of the ability to operate across disciplinary boundaries in a coherent and productive way, with principles drawn from different disciplines. Depth of understanding depends upon mastery of a body of knowledge, but it is not to be confused with knowledge, and is not necessarily commensurate with the number of courses taken in a subject.

  Depth and breadth of understanding depend upon,and they themselves contribute to, independence of thought; they contribute also to a love of learning.