Some people think that parents should plan their children's leisure time carefully. Other people believe that children should decide for themselves how to spend their free time. Which idea do you agree with- Give reasons for your choise.
一 条件: 父母对孩子的管教/孩子的空闲时间的安排/有人认为父母应为孩子指定使用空闲时间的详细计划/有人认为孩子应该自己安排空闲时间。
二 要求: 说明自己同意何种观点并说明理由。
三 写作分析: 本题为家常话题,尚无定论,可选任意一种观点表示同意,并说明理由.也可辩证地看问题,在分析的基础上提出自己不同的见解. 动笔前应先决定写法,若摆脱绝对肯定与否定的方式,写作时宜用归纳法,通过步步深入的分析,最后得出比较客观的结论.这种写法比较复杂, 难度较大,写作时思维一定要清晰,不然就会产生混乱.
Should parents plan their children's leisure time carefully- Or should they let their children decide for themselves how to spend their free time- before answering these two qusetions, we should first of all ask another question: do children know how to plan to spend their free time- The answer to this question is both "yes" and "no". Our common sense tells us that some children spend their free time in a planned way while some others, especially the younger ones, just play as they like without any paln at all.
The above answer leads to three more relevant questions about those children who know how to plan their leisure time: How have they obtained the ability- Is the ability innate- Or is the ability learnt- Our observations tell us that this ability is not born but learned from others---their parents, teachers, other adults, or other children.
With these questions settled, the answer to the first two questions should be verry clear. Parents should not give their children a free hand at the beginning. INstead, they should plan their childrren's leisure time carefully, making sure that their children understand why they should have a plan. In this way, the children will gradually forma habit of making palns and know how to make a good plan.. Then, we can say these children know how to spend their leisure time.
When children alrady know how to spend their free time , they will not need any longer for the parents to paln for them. The most they can do is to keep an eye on their children's activities and give some guidance or advice when necessary. For most of the time, children should be allowed to decide for themselves. The whole process is in fact a process of training, in which instruction, demonstration and practice should be planned in a scientific way. Without plenty of practice, the whole process of learning would be a failure.