英语听力汇总   |   托福写作句型全面介绍





  I 准确的句子表达

  1. 句型分析


  a. Even though I usually know what I have tosay, I cannot always express myself correctly inEnglish.

  这句话是一个复合句,由even though引导的让步状语从句。

  b. This challenges me to practice my spoken English, with the result that I can complete thespeaking tasks more fluently and quickly.


  c. I think this is less than ideal because any differences in opinion become personalconflicts, and therefore that might jeopardize the employee’s job.

  托福写作辅导指出上句话是一个并列复杂句。and 连接了两个句子,是一个并列句;because引导的原因状语从句。

  d. Shallow writing is indicative of weak critical-thinking skills, and such writing, which isoften described as “sophomoric”, receives low mark.


  2. 有问题的托福写作句子的列举


  1). 破碎句


  破碎句:She singing alone. (无谓语,singing是现在分词)

  正确句:She is singing alone.

  破碎句:He did not come. Because he was sick. (从句单独成句)

  正确句:He did not come because he was sick.



  接连句: Professionals such as lawyers or accountants usually work longer hours than factoryworkers they have greater freedom in planning their time.

  正确句一: Professionals such as lawyers or accountants usually work longer hours thanfactory workers. However, they have greater freedom in planning their time.

  正确句二: Professionals such as lawyers or accountants usually work longer hours thanfactory workers; however, they have greater freedom in planning their time.


  所谓托福 写作句子连接不正确,就是两个独立的句子之间以逗号连接,这是不合英语语法的。正确的做法是以连词、分号、冒号、句号等连接两个句子。

  不正确句: Breaking chalk into two pieces is a physical change, there is no change in thecomposition of the chalk.

  正确句: Breaking chalk into two pieces is a physical change, so there is no change in thecomposition of the chalk.

  II 高分表达


  正常句: Luck only works in extreme cases.

  倒装句: Only in extreme cases does luck work.(否定词位于句首的倒装。)

  正常句: The internet provides people access to the latest information.

  强调句: It is the internet that provides people access to the latest information. (强调theinternet)

  正常句: The environment has been deteriorating severely along with the development ofindustry.

  状语前置句: Along with the accelerating development of industry, the environment hasbeen deteriorating severely.

  正常句: However, new zoos try to duplicate animals’ natural habitats as much as possibleand give animals a comfortable amount of space.

  插入语: New zoos, however, try to duplicate animals’ natural habitats as much as possibleand give animals a comfortable amount of space. (连词however做插入语)


  1. 她突然想到了一个主意。

  She suddenly had an idea.


  2. 他开车心不在焉,几乎闯祸。

  He was absent-minded when driving, and almost caused an accident.


  His absence of mind during driving nearly caused an accident.

  3. 美利坚合众国创立于1789年。

  The United States of America was founded in 1789.


  The year 1789 witnessed the founding of the United States of America.

  III 实用句型

  在托福 写作文章的最后,为大家列举几个新托福考试中可以使用的套用句型,为一些写句子摸不着头绪的考生提供帮助。

  1. It pays to make great efforts to prepare for TOEFL-ibt.


  2. Nothing is more important than to receive education.


  3. The reason why the white-collars suffer increasing work-related stress is that theypursue work achievement in career.


  4. It is time the related department took proper measures.
