英语听力汇总   |   托福写作缩小范围来论证观点








  a. 细节性原则----细于被举例者。

  b. 一致性原则----良好体现与要用举例证明的观点的一致对应关系,观点中的重点信息应在例子中不多不少地体现。




  "粗例"即一类人、物或事,或一个公认事实的例子,说白了就是多数人都能认可的信息。寻找这类例子的时候比较轻松,只要在观点中找出可以继续细化的重点信息然后"narrow down"就可以了

  观点1: Employers are willing to pay a premium for highly qualified applicants.

  粗例1: International companies desire bilingual employees and offer higher salaries to attract them.




  a. 实际存在的,一方面,这类例子可以是身边,家人、朋友、自己和身边发生的一些事情;另一方面就是名人和一些被报道出来的“名事”了

  观点2: Mistakes serve as vivid, sometimes painful deterrents from certain action.

  细例2: A friend of mine suffering from smoking-induced lung disease would remember the emotional and physical pain associated with the side-effects of tobacco usage. Not only does he recall the smell of hospitals, the imprint of pain on the face of someone who died from smoking, but he would also link these memories immediately with cigarettes.

  观点3: You cannot judge a person only by his or her appearance.

  细例3: Susan Boyle is one of those. Such an appearance has long been rumored, but her incredible voice and stunning performance on BGT has won her great popularity.

  b. 此外,"细例"的无中生有就是假设论证,常用if,supposing等开头

  观点4: Individuals play a significant role in alleviating traffic congestion.

  细例4: If 30 people get on a public bus instead of 30 individual cars, there will be far fewer automobiles on the road, greatly easing the traffic burden.