英语听力汇总   |   托福写作怎么备考





  托福写作共50mins,满分30分。主要分为两个部分:1. 独立写作(15分,30mins完成):写一篇命题作文 2. 综合写作(15分,20mins 完成)





  1. 以积极正面的语言表达观点

  Express yourself in positive language. Say what is, not what is not.

  2. 段落之间使用过渡词

  Use transitions between paragraphs.Transitions tie one paragraph to the next.

  (1)A transition can be a word, like later, furthermore, additionally, or moreover; a phrase like After this incident...; or an entire sentence.

  (2)If you are writing about Topic A and now want to discuss Topic B, you can begin the new paragraph with a transition such as "Like (or unlike) Topic A, Topic B..."

  3. 变幻多种句式结构

  Vary your sentence structure.It's boring to see subject, verb, object all the time. Mix simple, complex, and compound sentences.

  4. 用词直接易懂

  Understand the words you write.You write to communicate, not to impress the admissions staff with your vocabulary. When you choose a word that means something other than what you intend, you neither communicate nor impress. You do convey the wrong message or convince the admissions committee that you are inarticulate.

  5. 学会运用同义词

  Look up synonyms in a thesaurus when you use the same word repeatedly. After the DELETE key, the thesaurus is your best friend. As long as you follow Tip 4, using one will make your writing more interesting.

  6. 表达简洁明了

  Be succinct. Compare:

  (1) During my sophomore and junior years, there was significant development of my maturity and markedly improved self-discipline towards school work.

  (2) During my sophomore and junior years, I matured and my self-discipline improved tremendously.

  The first example takes many more words to give the same information. The admissions people are swamped; they do not want to spend more time than necessary reading your essay. Say what you have to say in as few words as possible. Tips 7, 8, and 9 will help you to implement this suggestion.

  7. 去掉不必要的限定词,如,rather, quite, somewhat, probably, possibly, etc.

  Avoid qualifiers such as rather, quite, somewhat, probably, possibly, etc.You might improve your writing somewhat if you sometimes try to follow this suggestion. The example contains nonsense. Deleting unnecessary qualifiers will strengthen your writing 1000%. Equivocating reveals a lack of confidence. If you do not believe what you write, why should the admissions officer?

  8. 使用主动语态

  Use the active voice. Compare:

  Active voice :The application was sent by the student.

  Passive voice :The student sent the application.

  They both communicate the same information. The active voice, however, is more concise; it specifies who is performing the action and what is the object. The passive voice is wordier and frequently less clear.

  9. 避免重复

  Make every word count. Do not repeat yourself. Each sentence and every word should state something new.