英语听力汇总   |   托福写作解题思路:完善学校是最重要的





  托福写作题目:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Improving school is the most important factor for the successful development of a country.






  1) A country’s development means more than a buoyant economy or technological advancement. (一个国家的发展不仅仅是经济繁荣和技术的提升。)

  2) a decline/fall in moral standards道德水准的下降

  3)high moral standards高的道德标准

  4)Morality describes the principles that govern our behavior. Without these principles in place, societies cannot survive for long.道德指导我们的行为。没有原则,社会就会完蛋。(例如三鹿为了利润在奶粉里添加三聚氰胺melamine;一些年轻人不通过努力工作挣钱而是抢劫,诈骗。只有个人的道德素质提高,后代的道德也会提高。)

  5)produce talents培养人才

  6)Brain drain人才流失(中国教育在很多方面比不上美国教育所以很多人选择去了美国,这样中国就遭受人才流失的痛苦)

  7)China and India have recently been documented as the world leaders in brain drain.中国和印度是人才流失最严重的国家。

  8)He who opens a school door, closes a prison. Victor Hugo雨果(学校开,监狱关)

  9)Education helps people gain sufficient academic qualification so that they are able to get suitable employment at a later stage.

  10)When faced with the option of choosing between a highly qualified candidate and a not so educated candidate, the employers will most probably go in for the qualified person..

  11)An educated person knows what is best for him/her, knows the difference between right and wrong and will not do things that may harm his image.